Backup Plan

  • hi MD,

    can u tell pls tell now only in details.

    this batch code is not working for me to delete old files.

    forfiles /P E:\test\ /S /D -5 /C "cmd /C del /q @path"

    Wat to do pls help me.

  • hi MD,

    can u pls help me on this.......

    atleast do u know the batch code to delete the old .txt or .doc files so i can alter that

    i want to delete old backup files also.

    Pls md need help....

  • It might not be what you are looking for but I backup to a device using three separate Maintenance plans. The first performs a full backup overnight. The second performs a differential at lunchtime. And the third is set to do transaction logs every 20 minutes between 8AM & 8PM.

    This keeps all the different backups in one location (single file). However I don't have to worry about old files as the Full backup is set to overwrite not append. This deletes all old differential and transaction logs as you no longer need them as you now have a full backup. This also makes backing up to a point in time easy as everything is in the same place.

    The backup device is also copied to tape should we need to go back a few days.

  • Anjon

    Everything you need to do is in the script at this link

    In the backup retention table, you set the time period increment and the number of backups you want to keep. Say, if you only want to keep 1 day of backups you set the period level to day and the backup to keep column to 1. If you don't want to keep any old backups (not recommended) you set the backup to keep column to 0.

    Marvin Dillard
    Senior Consultant
    Claraview Inc

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