Backup compression

  • Hello

    We currently backup a 75Gb database to a DLT8000 with tapes that are 40/80Gb. Does anyone know what compression ratio a sql db runs at? i.e. will the db compress before writing to tape? I am thinking of using SQL Litespeed to fulfill the quandry I may be in.

  • Typically pretty decent compression. Litespeed is nice, worth looking at, especially if you backup to disk first, then tape, where space may really be at a premium.


  • My understanding is that SQL Server does not "natively" compress data during the backup process. (In fact, I've been logging the size of my complete backup files to fairly accurately track the growth of data within the .mdf files over time.) My backups go to disk, and from there to tape; way back when, tape backups always performed their own compression (with greater or lesser efficiency), but I wouldn't know if that's still the case.

    We're in the process of moving to SQL LiteSpeed [version 3.0 just shipped, but I haven't gotten my hands on it yet]. Based on my testing and history logging, I'm getting compression ratios that are always better than 50%--though, as with PKZip, if you have lots of binary data you'll probably get worse performance.


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