Azure DB newbie trying to locate existing Azure DBs

  • Hello,

    I've been tasked with trying to learn more about existing Azure DBs that our company is using.  Unfortunately, the developer who set them up is no longer with the company, and I'm having some difficulty figuring out where they are located.  I have some familiarity with creating DBs through SQL Server Management Studio, but I've never worked with Azure DBs.

    I found a connection string with credentials (the server in the connection string is in the format of tcp:[db name], and am able to connect through SQL Server Management Studio, but I'm assuming there is a central place within the Azure Portal where I should be able to see and interact with these.  When I click on "SQL Databases" on my account within the Azure Portal, I see none.

    I'd appreciate any suggestions as to what the most likely possibilities are.  I'm assuming we must have another subscription that these DBs are running on that I don't have access to, but I'm not sure I know enough about the Azure Portal to even know what all of the possibilities are.

    Thank you for any help on this!

  • Your Azure Global Admin should be able to get you the right access to the DB and/or the subscriptions you need to do your work.

    There may be others who have credentials to do so as well.


  • Also, now you also know the risks inherent in storing credentials in connection strings. 🙂

  • Thanks Karen.  Sounds like it is just an access or subscription related thing.  Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something obvious.

    A good point on connection strings as well.


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