Availability Group Help

  • I had something occur with my availability groups that has me concerned.

    My primary failed on me, due to the inclement weather and ice storms, the ISP lost connectivity and will be down for some time.

    But my secondary didn't failover and handle the traffic.

    Instead, I found it in "Recovering Mode" and when I tried to make it the primary, I get this message:

    "Could not process the operation. Always On Availability Groups replica manager is waiting for the host computer to start a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster and join it. Either the local computer is not a cluster node, or the local cluster node is not online. If the computer is a cluster node, wait for it to join the cluster. If the computer is not a cluster node, add the computer to a WSFC cluster. Then, retry the operation."

    I suspect I will need to restore the database, then make the secondary the primary.

    What would cause this?

    It makes the whole proposition of Always On go into question whenever I have to recover back to a backup and be down the entire time.

  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

  • Have you checked the status of the Cluster service & Quoram? It looks like you may have to force quorum to bring WSFC online on the node which is up.


  • Here's the blog where I found the answer: https://bahtisametcoban.home.blog/2019/01/04/always-on-availability-groups-with-multi-subnet-failover-cluster/.

    In case you don't feel like reading through it, the answer is

    If you enable [Availability Groups] before cluster is fully operational and ready you will get an error when you try to create AG

    When I installed and configured SQL Server on the machines in question, I jumped the gun on enabling the Availability Groups feature (SQL Server Configuration Manager->Services->SQL Server->Properties->AlwaysOn High Availability tab) and checked the box (and restarted the service) before the WSFC was created. This is what caused the error when I tried to actually create an AG.

    The fix is easy: just disable Availability Groups, restart the service, then re-enable them and restart it again.

    Hope this has been helpful!

    SQL Database Recovery Expert 🙂

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