Automation of table partition.

  • I have a partitioned table by quarterly wise. now it has 6 fixed partitions.

    I want to make it automatic. i just want to keep 2 yrs data(8 partitions(one partition for one quarter).

    As new quarter started 1st partition should be deleted and new partition should be added automatically.

    Can any one tell me how to do this?


  • basically, what we do is create an Archive table and a worktable in the same layout as the partition. These tables are created in the same filegroup as the oldest partition. Then we switch the oldest partition with the archivetable. Load the Worktable add all constraints and indexes. Modify the Partition function and scheme and then switch the worktable into the partition.

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  • Sorry one one answered.

  • theunique1011 (5/6/2011)

    Sorry one one answered.

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    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

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  • theunique1011 (5/6/2011)

    Sorry one one answered.

    You need to have more patience. This is a forum board of volunteers, not a help desk, who work at their own pace and on their own time. If it's that urgent you need to hire someone who knows how to do this.

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