Automatically Restores All database ".BAK" Files

  • Sailor,

    is this already solved? All backups are in subdirectories in d:\sqlbackups right? are they all .bak files?

    I'll try to alter the script to solved the problem you are facing.

    "-=Still Learning=-"

    Lester Policarpio

  • Sailor (8/15/2011)

    All of my databases are in subdirectories so I changed

    SET @pathension = 'dir /OD/S '+@Path+'*20110814*.'+@Extension

    Msg 3201, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

    Cannot open backup device 'D:\sqlbackups\admin_backup_201108141900.bak'. Operating system error 2(The system cannot find the file specified.).

    So admin backup is in d:\sqlbackups\admin.

    What do I need to change to get it to work?


    Script made by : Lester A. Policarpio

    Email Address :

    Date Created : September 03, 2007


    January 17, 2008

    - Solved outputed value of the @restoredb variable

    - Solved the "invalid length parameter" issue

    May 6, 2008

    - Removed unused variables

    - Add the headeronly command to accept non sql backup format


    - Add more comments

    May 12, 2008

    - Accept Backup Files With Multiple NDFs

    May 23, 2008

    - Solved the problem when RESTORE HEADERONLY produces more than 1 value

    September 29,2011

    - Update script to include backups in sub directories

    - Include search string for detecting specific backups

    - i.e. finding backups with specific year only


    - This script is tested for backup files ".BAK" only




    --Drop Tables if it exists in the database

    if exists (select name from sysobjects where name = 'migration_lester')

    DROP TABLE migration_lester

    if exists (select name from sysobjects where name = 'header_lester')

    DROP TABLE header_lester

    if exists (select name from sysobjects where name = 'cmdshell_lester')

    DROP TABLE cmdshell_lester

    --Create Tables

    --(cmdshell_lester table for the cmdshell command)

    --(migration_lester table for the restore filelistonly command)

    --(header_lester table for the restore headeronly command)

    CREATE TABLE cmdshell_lester( fentry varchar(1000),directory varchar(1000))

    CREATE TABLE migration_lester(LogicalName varchar(1024),

    PhysicalName varchar(4000),type char(1),FileGroupName varchar(50),

    size real,MaxSize real)

    CREATE TABLE header_lester (BackupName varchar(50),

    BackupDescription varchar(100),BackupType int,

    ExpirationDate nvarchar(50),Compressed int,Position int,

    DeviceType int,UserName varchar(30),ServerName varchar(30),

    DatabaseName varchar(50),DatabaseVersion int,

    DatabaseCreationDate datetime,BackupSize bigint,FirstLsn binary,

    LastLsn binary,CheckpointLsn binary,DifferentialBasLsn binary,

    BackupStartDate datetime,BackupFinishDate datetime,SortOrder int,

    CodePage int,UnicodeLocaleid int,UnicodeComparisonStyle int,

    CompatibilityLevel int,SoftwareVendorId int,SoftwareVersionMajor int,

    SoftwareVersionMinor int,SoftwareVersionBuild int,

    MachineName varchar(50),Flags int,BindingId nvarchar(50),

    RecoveryForkId nvarchar(50),Collation nvarchar(50))

    --Declare Variables

    DECLARE @path varchar(1024),@restore varchar(1024)

    DECLARE @restoredb varchar(2000),@extension varchar(1024),@newpath_ldf varchar(1024)

    DECLARE @pathension varchar(1024),@newpath_mdf varchar(1024),@header varchar(500)

    DECLARE @search_string varchar(250)

    --Set Values to the variables

    SET @newpath_mdf = 'C:\' --new path wherein you will put the mdf

    SET @newpath_ldf = 'C:\' --new path wherein you will put the ldf

    SET @path = 'C:\' --Path of the Backup File (put \ on the end)

    SET @search_string = '' -- leave it blank if you dont have a search string, change if neccessary

    SET @extension = 'BAK'

    SET @pathension = 'dir /OD/S "'+@Path+'*.'+@Extension+'"'




    --Drop Tables if it exists in the database

    if exists (select name from sysobjects where name = 'cmdshell_lester_subdir')

    DROP TABLE cmdshell_lester_subdir

    --Create Table

    CREATE TABLE cmdshell_lester_subdir( fentry varchar(1000))

    --Insert the value of the command shell to the table

    INSERT INTO cmdshell_lester_subdir exec master..xp_cmdshell @pathension

    --Delete data not equal to directory

    DELETE FROM cmdshell_lester_subdir WHERE FEntry NOT LIKE ' Directory of%'

    DELETE FROM cmdshell_lester_subdir WHERE FEntry is NULL


    DECLARE @subdir varchar(250),@subdir2 varchar(250)


    select substring(FEntry,15,len(FEntry)) as 'SUBDIR' from cmdshell_lester_subdir

    OPEN subdir

    FETCH NEXT FROM subdir INTO @subdir


    SET @subdir2 = 'dir /OD "'+@subdir+'\*'+@search_string+'*.'+@Extension+'"'

    INSERT INTO cmdshell_lester (FEntry) EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @subdir2

    update cmdshell_lester set directory = @subdir where directory IS NULL

    FETCH NEXT FROM subdir INTO @subdir


    CLOSE subdir

    DEALLOCATE subdir




    --Insert the value of the command shell to the table

    --INSERT INTO cmdshell_lester exec master..xp_cmdshell @pathension

    --Delete non backup files data, delete null values

    DELETE FROM cmdshell_lester WHERE FEntry NOT LIKE '%.BAK%'

    DELETE FROM cmdshell_lester WHERE FEntry is NULL

    --Create a cursor to scan all backup files needed to generate the restore script

    DECLARE @migrate varchar(1024),@directory varchar(1000)


    select substring(FEntry,40,50) as 'FEntry',directory from cmdshell_lester

    OPEN migrate

    FETCH NEXT FROM migrate INTO @migrate,@directory


    --Added feature to get the dbname of the backup file

    SET @header = 'RESTORE HEADERONLY FROM DISK = '+''''+@directory+'\'+@Migrate+''''

    INSERT INTO header_lester exec (@header)

    --Get the names of the mdf and ldf

    set @restore = 'RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = '+''''+@directory+'\'+@migrate+''''

    INSERT INTO migration_lester EXEC (@restore)

    --Update value of the table to add the new path+mdf/ldf names

    UPDATE migration_lester SET physicalname = reverse(physicalname)

    UPDATE migration_lester SET physicalname =


    UPDATE migration_lester SET physicalname = @newpath_mdf+reverse(physicalname) where type = 'D'

    UPDATE migration_lester SET physicalname = @newpath_ldf+reverse(physicalname) where type = 'L'


    --Set a value to the @restoredb variable to hold the restore database script

    IF (select count(*) from migration_lester) = 2


    SET @restoredb = 'RESTORE DATABASE '+(select top 1 DatabaseName from header_lester)

    +' FROM DISK = '+ ''''+@directory+'\'+@migrate+''''+' WITH MOVE '+''''

    +(select logicalname from migration_lester where type = 'D')+''''

    +' TO '+ ''''+( select physicalname from migration_lester WHERE physicalname like '%mdf%')

    +''''+', MOVE '+''''+ (select logicalname from migration_lester where type = 'L')

    +''''+' TO '+''''+( select physicalname from migration_lester

    WHERE physicalname like '%ldf%')+''''

    print (@restoredb)


    IF (select count(*) from migration_lester) > 2


    SET @restoredb =

    'RESTORE DATABASE '+(select top 1 DatabaseName from header_lester)+

    ' FROM DISK = '+''''+@directory+'\'+@migrate+''''+'WITH MOVE '

    DECLARE @multiple varchar(1000),@physical varchar(1000)


    Select logicalname,physicalname from migration_lester

    OPEN multiple

    FETCH NEXT FROM multiple INTO @multiple,@physical



    SET @restoredb=@restoredb+''''+@multiple+''''+' TO '+''''+@physical+''''+','+'MOVE '+''

    FETCH NEXT FROM multiple INTO @multiple,@physical


    CLOSE multiple

    DEALLOCATE multiple

    SET @restoredb = substring(@restoredb,1,len(@restoredb)-5)

    print (@restoredb)



    -- Run print @restoredb first to view the databases to be restored

    -- When ready, run exec (@restoredb)

    -- EXEC (@restoredb)


    --Clear data inside the tables to give way for the next

    --set of informations to be put in the @restoredb variable

    TRUNCATE TABLE migration_lester

    TRUNCATE TABLE header_lester

    FETCH NEXT FROM migrate INTO @migrate,@directory


    CLOSE migrate

    DEALLOCATE migrate


    --Drop Tables

    DROP TABLE migration_lester

    DROP TABLE cmdshell_lester

    DROP TABLE cmdshell_lester_subdir

    DROP TABLE header_lester

    Sailor here is the script which crawl up to all the subdirectories in the path specified. Do note that this is for VERSION 2000 OF SQL coz I dont have dev version 2k5. Just change the table structure for it to be useful for version 2k5. Test it first in your development server as I am not liable if you run this to your prod server right away. Reply to this thread if you received any errors or if ever you have any questions or clarification hope this script will be helpful to you as you have many backups in each sub directories :-). I also added a search string capability so that if you want backups with specific names then you can only select those files.

    "-=Still Learning=-"

    Lester Policarpio

  • Hello Sir,

    I am using SQL 2008 and this beautiful script should help me a great deal as we are migrating from SQL 2008 and SQL 2008 R2

    I keep getting the error

    Msg 213, Level 16, State 7, Line 1

    Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.

    Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Msg 213, Level 16, State 7, Line 1

    Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.

    Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    RESTORE HEADERONLY is terminating abnormally.

    Msg 213, Level 16, State 7, Line 1 is terminating abnormally.

    Msg 213, Level 16, State 7, Line 1Which I think it might the output of RESTORE HEADERONLY does not fit into the scheme defined? Do you have updated script for SQL 2008?

    Please help

    Greatly appreciated


  • Hi

    Thanks for the script, it is very helpfull, I just have one doubt, since i haven't gone deep into the script, is this script taking the last differential backups? in my case I'm doing differential backups every day and a full backup on sundays, a new backup file is made once a new week starts, following this name structure: YYYYMMDD_HHMM_NumerofWeekInTheYear_DBNAME.BAK. EXAMPLE: 20110807_1000_42_Employees.bak; therefore, one backup file has 6 differential backups and 1 full backup, that's why I'd like to know if it is getting the most recent differential backup or if I need to modify the script ... sorry if I misspelled some words, I'm not an english speaker, and I'm also starting into the Databases world. 🙂

  • pakwichek (11/10/2011)

    Hello Sir,

    I am using SQL 2008 and this beautiful script should help me a great deal as we are migrating from SQL 2008 and SQL 2008 R2

    I keep getting the error

    Msg 213, Level 16, State 7, Line 1

    Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.

    Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Msg 213, Level 16, State 7, Line 1

    Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.

    Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    RESTORE HEADERONLY is terminating abnormally.

    Msg 213, Level 16, State 7, Line 1 is terminating abnormally.

    Msg 213, Level 16, State 7, Line 1Which I think it might the output of RESTORE HEADERONLY does not fit into the scheme defined? Do you have updated script for SQL 2008?

    Please help

    Greatly appreciated

    Hi kindly view page 5 of this thread post of Steven Webster-494809 or stakes 🙂


    Ohh another thing, I think I browsed an article regarding incompatibility of SQL 2008 restoration to SQL 2008 R2 (or vice versa). I maybe wrong but it will not hurt you to just check and verify

    "-=Still Learning=-"

    Lester Policarpio

  • hiram.osiris (12/6/2011)


    Thanks for the script, it is very helpfull, I just have one doubt, since i haven't gone deep into the script, is this script taking the last differential backups? in my case I'm doing differential backups every day and a full backup on sundays, a new backup file is made once a new week starts, following this name structure: YYYYMMDD_HHMM_NumerofWeekInTheYear_DBNAME.BAK. EXAMPLE: 20110807_1000_42_Employees.bak; therefore, one backup file has 6 differential backups and 1 full backup, that's why I'd like to know if it is getting the most recent differential backup or if I need to modify the script ... sorry if I misspelled some words, I'm not an english speaker, and I'm also starting into the Databases world. 🙂

    Hi hiram,

    The order of the backup file is based on the result of the cmdshell operation in the script. You can try running the script (just dont uncomment EXEC (@restoredb)) and you will see which backup will be restored first. Compare the result to the folder where the backup resides.


    Don't worry I am not a pure English speaker as well 😉

    "-=Still Learning=-"

    Lester Policarpio

  • Hello, I've gone deep into the script and I made some changes in order to take the last full and differential backup made. It still needs some readjustments but by now it is helping a lot :D.

    Thank you again for your Script and If you want i can share the modified script

  • hiram.osiris (12/26/2011)

    Hello, I've gone deep into the script and I made some changes in order to take the last full and differential backup made. It still needs some readjustments but by now it is helping a lot :D.

    Thank you again for your Script and If you want i can share the modified script

    Sure please for the benefit of other forumers

    "-=Still Learning=-"

    Lester Policarpio

  • Hello again, this is the modified script, I just made some readjustments in order to do what I needed. It still needs some readjustments.

    Here's the scenario: We are doing Backups every day of our working DB's at 1:00am. Only on Sundays a Fullbackup is performed and the next days a differential backup is made. Therefore, a backup file is created every week containing a Fullbackup and six differential backups. There was a situation on wich i needed to restore the most recent fullbackup and differential, that's why i made such changes to the script.

    As you can see I replicated the steps where the fullbackup script is made and the differential but performing an EXEC at the end of each one.

    I know I'm doing somethings wrong, or that some other parts of the code could be improved, so please I would appreciate any suggestion and comments about it.

    Thanks! 🙂



    --Drop Tables if it exists in the database

    IF exists (SELECT name

    FROM sysobjects

    WHERE name = 'migration')

    DROP TABLE migration

    IF exists (SELECT name

    FROM sysobjects

    WHERE name = 'header')

    DROP TABLE header

    IF exists (SELECT name

    FROM sysobjects

    WHERE name = 'cmdshell')

    DROP TABLE cmdshell

    /*Create Tables

    (cmdshell table for the cmdshell command)

    (migration table for the restore filelistonly command)

    (header table for the restore headeronly command)


    CREATE TABLE cmdshell( fentry VARCHAR(1000))

    CREATE TABLE migration(LogicalName VARCHAR(1024),

    PhysicalName VARCHAR(4000),

    TYPE CHAR(1),

    FileGroupName VARCHAR(50),

    size REAL,

    MaxSize REAL,

    FileID BIGINT,

    CreateLSN NUMERIC(25,0),

    DropLSN NUMERIC(25,0),

    UniqueID BINARY,

    ReadOnlyLSN NUMERIC(25,0),

    ReadWriteLSN NUMERIC(25,0),

    BackupSizeInBytes BIGINT,

    SourceBlockSize INT,

    FileGroupID INT,

    LogGroupGUID BINARY,

    DifferentialBaseLSN NUMERIC(25,0),

    DifferentialBaseGUID BINARY,

    IsReadOnly BIT,

    IsPresent BIT,

    TDEThumbprint BINARY)

    CREATE TABLE header (BackupName VARCHAR(50),

    BackupDescription VARCHAR(100),

    BackupType INT,

    ExpirationDate NVARCHAR(50),

    Compressed INT,

    Position CHAR(30),

    DeviceType INT,

    UserName VARCHAR(30),

    ServerName VARCHAR(30),

    DatabaseName VARCHAR(50),

    DatabaseVersion INT,

    DatabaseCreationDate DATETIME,

    BackupSize BIGINT,

    FirstLsn BINARY,

    LastLsn BINARY,

    CheckpointLsn BINARY,

    DatabaseBackupLSN BINARY,

    BackupStartDate DATETIME,

    BackupFinishDate DATETIME,

    SortOrder INT,

    CodePage INT,

    UnicodeLocaleid INT,

    UnicodeComparisonStyle INT,

    CompatibilityLevel INT,

    SoftwareVendorId INT,

    SoftwareVersionMajor INT,

    SoftwareVersionMinor INT,

    SoftwareVersionBuild INT,

    MachineName VARCHAR(50),

    Flags INT,

    BindingId NVARCHAR(50),

    RecoveryForkId NVARCHAR(50),

    Collation NVARCHAR(50),

    FamilyGUID BINARY,

    HasBulkLoggedData INT,

    IsSnapshot INT,

    IsReadOnly INT,

    IsSingleUser INT,

    HasBackupChecksums INT,

    IsDamaged INT,

    BeginsLogChain INT,

    HasIncompleteMetaData INT,

    IsForceOffline INT,

    IsCopyOnly INT,

    FirstRecoveryForkID BINARY,

    ForkPointLSN BINARY,

    RecoveryModel NVARCHAR(60),

    DifferentialBaseLSN BINARY,

    DifferentialBaseGUID BINARY,

    BackupTypeDescription NVARCHAR(60),

    BackupSetGUID BINARY,

    CompressedBackupSize BIGINT)

    --Declare Variables

    DECLARE@path varchar(1024),@restore varchar(1024),@DATE VARCHAR(6)

    DECLARE@restoredb varchar(2000),@extension varchar(1024),@newpath_ldf varchar(1024)

    DECLARE@pathension varchar(1024),@newpath_mdf varchar(1024),@header varchar(500)

    --Set Values to the variables

    SET @newpath_mdf ='E:\somefolder\MSSQL\DATA\' --Specify the new path wherein you will put the mdf

    SET @newpath_ldf ='E:\somefolder\MSSQL\DB Log\' --Specify the new path wherein you will put the ldf

    SET @path ='E:\BACKUPS\' --Specify the path of the Backup Files

    SET @extension ='BAK' --Extention of the Backups

    SET @pathension = 'dir /OD '+@Path+'*.'+@Extension --Store the shell command to retreive all .BAK files


    --Insert the value of the command shell to the table

    INSERT INTO cmdshell EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @pathension

    --Delete non backup file and null values

    DELETE FROM cmdshell

    WHERE FEntry NOT LIKE '%.BAK%'

    DELETE FROM cmdshell

    WHERE FEntry is NULL

    -- I added this part to eliminate the backups that were not made the current day

    DELETE FROM cmdshell

    WHERE FEntry NOT LIKE @DATE + '%'

    --Create a cursor to scan all backup files needed to generate the restore script

    DECLARE@migrate varchar(1024)


    SELECTsubstring(FEntry,42,54) AS 'FEntry'


    --Open the cursor "migrate" to insert all backup names into @migrate

    OPEN migrate

    FETCH NEXT FROM migrate INTO @migrate



    --Get the dbname of the backup file using the RESTORE HEADERONLY command

    SET @header = 'RESTORE HEADERONLY FROM DISK = '+''''+@path+@migrate+''''

    INSERT INTO header

    EXEC (@header)

    --Get the names of the mdf and ldf files using the RESTORE FILELISTONLY command

    SET @restore = 'RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = '+''''+@path+@migrate+''''

    INSERT INTO migration

    EXEC (@restore)

    --Update value of the table to add the new path+mdf/ldf names

    UPDATE migration

    SET physicalname = reverse(physicalname)

    UPDATE migration

    SET physicalname = substring(physicalname,1,charindex('\',physicalname)-1)

    UPDATE migration

    SET physicalname = @newpath_mdf+reverse(physicalname)

    WHERE TYPE = 'D'

    UPDATE migration

    SET physicalname = @newpath_ldf+reverse(physicalname)

    WHERE TYPE = 'L'

    --Generating the script for FULL RESTORE for backups with mdf, ldf and ndf files



    SET @restoredb ='RESTORE DATABASE '+(SELECT TOP 1 DatabaseName FROM header)+

    ' FROM DISK = '+''''+@path+@migrate+''''+'WITH FILE =' +''

    +(SELECT MIN (Position) FROM header WHERE BackupType= 1)


    --Declare variables and cursor for getting logical and physicalname of the mdf, ldf and ndf files

    DECLARE @multiple VARCHAR(1000),@physical VARCHAR(1000)


    SELECT logicalname,physicalname FROM migration

    OPEN multiple

    FETCH NEXT FROM multiple INTO @multiple,@physical



    SET @restoredb=@restoredb+''''+@multiple+''''+' TO '+''''+@physical+''''+','+'MOVE '+''

    FETCH NEXT FROM multiple INTO @multiple,@physical


    CLOSE multiple

    DEALLOCATE multiple

    SET @restoredb =substring(@restoredb,1,len(@restoredb)-5)

    PRINT (@restoredb)


    EXEC (@restoredb)-- Run print @restoredb first to view the full backups to be restored

    -- When ready, run exec (@restoredb)

    --Generating the script for DIFFERRENTIAL RESTORE for backups with mdf, ldf and ndf files


    SET @restoredb =

    CHAR(10)+'RESTORE DATABASE '+(SELECT TOP 1 DatabaseName FROM header)+

    ' FROM DISK = '+''''+@path+@migrate+''''+'WITH FILE =' +''+(SELECT MAX (Position) FROM header WHERE BackupType= 5)

    +CHAR(10)+',STATS=10, NOUNLOAD, MOVE '

    --Declare variables and cursor for getting logical and physicalname of the mdf, ldf and ndf files

    DECLARE @multiple2 varchar(1000),@physical2 varchar(1000)

    DECLARE multiple2 CURSOR FOR

    SELECT logicalname,physicalname from migration

    OPEN multiple2

    FETCH NEXT FROM multiple2 INTO @multiple2,@physical2



    SET @restoredb=@restoredb+''''+@multiple2+''''+' TO '+''''+@physical2+''''+','+'MOVE '+''

    FETCH NEXT FROM multiple2 INTO @multiple2,@physical2


    CLOSE multiple2

    DEALLOCATE multiple2


    SET @restoredb = substring(@restoredb,1,len(@restoredb)-5)

    PRINT (@restoredb)


    EXEC (@restoredb)-- Run print @restoredb first to view the differential backups to be restored

    -- When ready, run exec (@restoredb)

    --Clear data inside the tables to give way for the next

    --set of informations to be put in the @restoredb variable

    TRUNCATE TABLE migration


    FETCH NEXT FROM migrate INTO @migrate


    CLOSE migrate

    DEALLOCATE migrate

    --Drop Tables

    DROP TABLE migration

    DROP TABLE cmdshell

    DROP TABLE header

  • hiram.osiris (12/27/2011)

    Hello again, this is the modified script, I just made some readjustments in order to do what I needed. It still needs some readjustments.

    Here's the scenario: We are doing Backups every day of our working DB's at 1:00am. Only on Sundays a Fullbackup is performed and the next days a differential backup is made. Therefore, a backup file is created every week containing a Fullbackup and six differential backups. There was a situation on wich i needed to restore the most recent fullbackup and differential, that's why i made such changes to the script.

    As you can see I replicated the steps where the fullbackup script is made and the differential but performing an EXEC at the end of each one.

    I know I'm doing somethings wrong, or that some other parts of the code could be improved, so please I would appreciate any suggestion and comments about it.

    Thanks! 🙂



    --Drop Tables if it exists in the database

    IF exists (SELECT name

    FROM sysobjects

    WHERE name = 'migration')

    DROP TABLE migration

    IF exists (SELECT name

    FROM sysobjects

    WHERE name = 'header')

    DROP TABLE header

    IF exists (SELECT name

    FROM sysobjects

    WHERE name = 'cmdshell')

    DROP TABLE cmdshell

    /*Create Tables

    (cmdshell table for the cmdshell command)

    (migration table for the restore filelistonly command)

    (header table for the restore headeronly command)


    CREATE TABLE cmdshell( fentry VARCHAR(1000))

    CREATE TABLE migration(LogicalName VARCHAR(1024),

    PhysicalName VARCHAR(4000),

    TYPE CHAR(1),

    FileGroupName VARCHAR(50),

    size REAL,

    MaxSize REAL,

    FileID BIGINT,

    CreateLSN NUMERIC(25,0),

    DropLSN NUMERIC(25,0),

    UniqueID BINARY,

    ReadOnlyLSN NUMERIC(25,0),

    ReadWriteLSN NUMERIC(25,0),

    BackupSizeInBytes BIGINT,

    SourceBlockSize INT,

    FileGroupID INT,

    LogGroupGUID BINARY,

    DifferentialBaseLSN NUMERIC(25,0),

    DifferentialBaseGUID BINARY,

    IsReadOnly BIT,

    IsPresent BIT,

    TDEThumbprint BINARY)

    CREATE TABLE header (BackupName VARCHAR(50),

    BackupDescription VARCHAR(100),

    BackupType INT,

    ExpirationDate NVARCHAR(50),

    Compressed INT,

    Position CHAR(30),

    DeviceType INT,

    UserName VARCHAR(30),

    ServerName VARCHAR(30),

    DatabaseName VARCHAR(50),

    DatabaseVersion INT,

    DatabaseCreationDate DATETIME,

    BackupSize BIGINT,

    FirstLsn BINARY,

    LastLsn BINARY,

    CheckpointLsn BINARY,

    DatabaseBackupLSN BINARY,

    BackupStartDate DATETIME,

    BackupFinishDate DATETIME,

    SortOrder INT,

    CodePage INT,

    UnicodeLocaleid INT,

    UnicodeComparisonStyle INT,

    CompatibilityLevel INT,

    SoftwareVendorId INT,

    SoftwareVersionMajor INT,

    SoftwareVersionMinor INT,

    SoftwareVersionBuild INT,

    MachineName VARCHAR(50),

    Flags INT,

    BindingId NVARCHAR(50),

    RecoveryForkId NVARCHAR(50),

    Collation NVARCHAR(50),

    FamilyGUID BINARY,

    HasBulkLoggedData INT,

    IsSnapshot INT,

    IsReadOnly INT,

    IsSingleUser INT,

    HasBackupChecksums INT,

    IsDamaged INT,

    BeginsLogChain INT,

    HasIncompleteMetaData INT,

    IsForceOffline INT,

    IsCopyOnly INT,

    FirstRecoveryForkID BINARY,

    ForkPointLSN BINARY,

    RecoveryModel NVARCHAR(60),

    DifferentialBaseLSN BINARY,

    DifferentialBaseGUID BINARY,

    BackupTypeDescription NVARCHAR(60),

    BackupSetGUID BINARY,

    CompressedBackupSize BIGINT)

    --Declare Variables

    DECLARE@path varchar(1024),@restore varchar(1024),@DATE VARCHAR(6)

    DECLARE@restoredb varchar(2000),@extension varchar(1024),@newpath_ldf varchar(1024)

    DECLARE@pathension varchar(1024),@newpath_mdf varchar(1024),@header varchar(500)

    --Set Values to the variables

    SET @newpath_mdf ='E:\somefolder\MSSQL\DATA\' --Specify the new path wherein you will put the mdf

    SET @newpath_ldf ='E:\somefolder\MSSQL\DB Log\' --Specify the new path wherein you will put the ldf

    SET @path ='E:\BACKUPS\' --Specify the path of the Backup Files

    SET @extension ='BAK' --Extention of the Backups

    SET @pathension = 'dir /OD '+@Path+'*.'+@Extension --Store the shell command to retreive all .BAK files


    --Insert the value of the command shell to the table

    INSERT INTO cmdshell EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @pathension

    --Delete non backup file and null values

    DELETE FROM cmdshell

    WHERE FEntry NOT LIKE '%.BAK%'

    DELETE FROM cmdshell

    WHERE FEntry is NULL

    -- I added this part to eliminate the backups that were not made the current day

    DELETE FROM cmdshell

    WHERE FEntry NOT LIKE @DATE + '%'

    --Create a cursor to scan all backup files needed to generate the restore script

    DECLARE@migrate varchar(1024)


    SELECTsubstring(FEntry,42,54) AS 'FEntry'


    --Open the cursor "migrate" to insert all backup names into @migrate

    OPEN migrate

    FETCH NEXT FROM migrate INTO @migrate



    --Get the dbname of the backup file using the RESTORE HEADERONLY command

    SET @header = 'RESTORE HEADERONLY FROM DISK = '+''''+@path+@migrate+''''

    INSERT INTO header

    EXEC (@header)

    --Get the names of the mdf and ldf files using the RESTORE FILELISTONLY command

    SET @restore = 'RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = '+''''+@path+@migrate+''''

    INSERT INTO migration

    EXEC (@restore)

    --Update value of the table to add the new path+mdf/ldf names

    UPDATE migration

    SET physicalname = reverse(physicalname)

    UPDATE migration

    SET physicalname = substring(physicalname,1,charindex('\',physicalname)-1)

    UPDATE migration

    SET physicalname = @newpath_mdf+reverse(physicalname)

    WHERE TYPE = 'D'

    UPDATE migration

    SET physicalname = @newpath_ldf+reverse(physicalname)

    WHERE TYPE = 'L'

    --Generating the script for FULL RESTORE for backups with mdf, ldf and ndf files



    SET @restoredb ='RESTORE DATABASE '+(SELECT TOP 1 DatabaseName FROM header)+

    ' FROM DISK = '+''''+@path+@migrate+''''+'WITH FILE =' +''

    +(SELECT MIN (Position) FROM header WHERE BackupType= 1)


    --Declare variables and cursor for getting logical and physicalname of the mdf, ldf and ndf files

    DECLARE @multiple VARCHAR(1000),@physical VARCHAR(1000)


    SELECT logicalname,physicalname FROM migration

    OPEN multiple

    FETCH NEXT FROM multiple INTO @multiple,@physical



    SET @restoredb=@restoredb+''''+@multiple+''''+' TO '+''''+@physical+''''+','+'MOVE '+''

    FETCH NEXT FROM multiple INTO @multiple,@physical


    CLOSE multiple

    DEALLOCATE multiple

    SET @restoredb =substring(@restoredb,1,len(@restoredb)-5)

    PRINT (@restoredb)


    EXEC (@restoredb)-- Run print @restoredb first to view the full backups to be restored

    -- When ready, run exec (@restoredb)

    --Generating the script for DIFFERRENTIAL RESTORE for backups with mdf, ldf and ndf files


    SET @restoredb =

    CHAR(10)+'RESTORE DATABASE '+(SELECT TOP 1 DatabaseName FROM header)+

    ' FROM DISK = '+''''+@path+@migrate+''''+'WITH FILE =' +''+(SELECT MAX (Position) FROM header WHERE BackupType= 5)

    +CHAR(10)+',STATS=10, NOUNLOAD, MOVE '

    --Declare variables and cursor for getting logical and physicalname of the mdf, ldf and ndf files

    DECLARE @multiple2 varchar(1000),@physical2 varchar(1000)

    DECLARE multiple2 CURSOR FOR

    SELECT logicalname,physicalname from migration

    OPEN multiple2

    FETCH NEXT FROM multiple2 INTO @multiple2,@physical2



    SET @restoredb=@restoredb+''''+@multiple2+''''+' TO '+''''+@physical2+''''+','+'MOVE '+''

    FETCH NEXT FROM multiple2 INTO @multiple2,@physical2


    CLOSE multiple2

    DEALLOCATE multiple2


    SET @restoredb = substring(@restoredb,1,len(@restoredb)-5)

    PRINT (@restoredb)


    EXEC (@restoredb)-- Run print @restoredb first to view the differential backups to be restored

    -- When ready, run exec (@restoredb)

    --Clear data inside the tables to give way for the next

    --set of informations to be put in the @restoredb variable

    TRUNCATE TABLE migration


    FETCH NEXT FROM migrate INTO @migrate


    CLOSE migrate

    DEALLOCATE migrate

    --Drop Tables

    DROP TABLE migration

    DROP TABLE cmdshell

    DROP TABLE header

    Hi does the script give you error/s when executing? or are you already using it?

    "-=Still Learning=-"

    Lester Policarpio

  • Hi, the script is working fine, it doesn't display any errors, but I'd like to know if there are some parts of the current code that could be improved. I'd also like to add something to evaluate which are the most recent backup files, and take those for restoring, since I have backup files from several weeks in a single folder. I currently added a code to delete the backups from cmdshell table that weren't made the current day:


    -- I added this part to eliminate the backups that were not made the current day

    DELETE FROM cmdshell

    WHERE FEntry NOT LIKE @DATE + '%'

    but there are sometimes on which the most recent backups are from 1, 2, or more days ago, and I'd like to dynamically get them from cmdshell table, do you have any suggestions??

    Thank you very much for your time 🙂

  • So what you want is to restore the latest backup? regardless if the backup is 1 or 2 days ago as long as it is the current one? are you restoring...

    only 1 backup?

    1 diff and 1 full?

    1 full?

    1. you can retain (in the cmdshell table) the max date from your script

    2. you can look per filename (which is your format) or per system date (the first 20 chars of the result in cmdshell table)

    "-=Still Learning=-"

    Lester Policarpio

  • hi :

    i have one my db bkp files in format t1_db_201402031813.bak

    but when i run..i am getting the following error..

    any help would be greatly appreciated...

    i need to restore close 200 dbs..

    Msg 213, Level 16, State 7, Line 1

    Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.

    Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    RESTORE FILELIST is terminating abnormally.

  • Here is another version that should work pretty well.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • What is the version of your database server?

    "-=Still Learning=-"

    Lester Policarpio

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