automatic run scheduled reports with different parameters

  • Hi, I have got a question regarding the reporting services.

    I have got a report to run every day for different customers. I have set up customer as a parameter and running ok. My question is how to change the parameter automatically in a loop or something like that and run the report. Or I have to create hundreds of subscriptions and set up parameter individually?



  • You may try something like this:

    // Get the report execution service.

    ReportExecution2005.ReportExecutionService res;



    res = new ReportExecution2005.ReportExecutionService()


    Url = "http://MySSRS/reportserver/ReportExecution2005.asmx",

    Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials



    catch ( Exception ex )


    // handle error


    // Get the list of customers.

    // (This will probably come from a datatabase.

    Var customers = new List<string>()


    // your list of customers


    // Render reports.

    foreach ( var customer in customers )


    var path = "http://MySSRS/..."; // your fully qualified name of the report



    res.ExecutionHeaderValue = new ExecutionHeader();

    res.LoadReport(path, null); // null: HistoryId


    // If the load failed, we cannot process this report.

    catch ( SoapException e )


    // handle SoapException


    catch ( Exception e )


    // handle GeneralException


    // Parameters are passed as an array.

    // We create them as a listand convert them to array later.

    var parameters = new List<ParameterValue>();

    var parameter = new ParameterValue();

    parameter.Name = 'customer'; // perhaps

    parameter.Value = customer;

    parameters.Add( parameter );

    // Add any other parameters, as needed

    res.SetExecutionParameters( parameters.ToArray(), "en-us" );



    // out parameters:

    string extension, encoding, mimeType;

    Warning[] warnings;

    string[] streamIDs;

    res.Render( "MHTML",


    out extension,

    out encoding,

    out mimeType,

    out warnings,

    out streamIDs );

    // Possibly interesting: res.GetExecutionInfo()


    catch ( SoapException e )


    // handle SoapException


    catch ( Exception e )


    // handle GeneralException


    } // foreach

    This of course assumes that all caching parameters on the report are already set.

    Good luck.

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