Auto update user interface with changed data

  • I need developing a network project using VB6 & SQL server 2000 contain data always changing. Is there a way to update the user interface automatically with changed data?

    I really need trigger an event to interface after change the data or similar to that. without checking the server using a timer control.

    Thank you.:-)

  • It really depends on how your user interface is designed but this is wholely a program issue. Nothing in SQL would allow you to update the interface with changes without querying the dataset. There are several ways you can do it a popular method might be to requery on Getfocus() or Onchange().

    These realy are all dependant on what you are doing and how your program needs to flow.


    If only I could snap my figures and have all the correct indexes apear and the buffer clean and.... Start day dream here.

  • Thank you for reply me Dan..

    (It was the my first post. sorry if you couldn't get properly)

    But i am asking, all the clients are connected to a one database using recordsets & connections and all they can see the same recordset. Hence if one user changed his recordset and update it into the database, then is there a method to pass others to a signal using SQL server? Because all are use the same recordset.

    If we set program to check it periodically (Using a timer), all the clients will be check the database time to time and it will be cause increase the network traffic. Neet to know that SQL server has method to trigger it for others?

    Thank you all.:-D

  • Again it is a design problem. When you say they have a recordset open and they can change the record, what screen are they on? does the application open to the screen that has edit functionality.

    A way around this might be to display all records in the set in a read-only mode and then allow them to select a record and click for example an edit button. The user then would only have one record open for edit at a time. you could still use a timer method for refresh though if the application displays like a queue. even at every 5 seconds the load on the SQL server should be tiny if the Query is written well. the query likely takes milliseconds to run. If that is not the case then you may need to restructure the query that updates the dataset.


    If only I could snap my figures and have all the correct indexes apear and the buffer clean and.... Start day dream here.

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