Auditing user permissons in SSRS (For each client folder)

  • Hello All,

    I have many reports for various clients in SSRS. Reports for each client is kept under different client folders. User permissions for each client is set under these folders. I need to create a report for auditing purpose to show which users has access which folder.

    Which tables in the database can give me this information ?

    Thanx in Advance !


  • Hi,

    does this get you started:

    To get a list of the top-level folders and associated user permissions:

    SELECT Catalog.Name, Catalog.Path, Users.UserName


    Policies ON Catalog.PolicyID = Policies.PolicyID INNER JOIN

    PolicyUserRole ON PolicyUserRole.PolicyID = Policies.PolicyID INNER JOIN

    Users ON PolicyUserRole.UserID = Users.UserID

    WHERE (Catalog.ParentID =

    (SELECT ItemID

    FROM Catalog

    WHERE (ParentID IS NULL)))

    ORDER BY Catalog.Path, Users.UserName

    To get a full breakdown of which users have access rights to reports in Reporting Services:

    SELECT Catalog.Path, Catalog.Name, Users.UserName, Catalog.Type


    Policies ON Catalog.PolicyID = Policies.PolicyID INNER JOIN

    PolicyUserRole ON PolicyUserRole.PolicyID = Policies.PolicyID INNER JOIN

    Users ON PolicyUserRole.UserID = Users.UserID

    ORDER BY Catalog.Path

  • Exactly what I needed. Thanks a ton !

  • What if the folder permissions are handled through active directory? Do you know of any way to get a list of ad users who have permissions to each folder in SSRS? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

  • Thank you for this - I have been looking for something for a while and this fits the bill exactly.

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