Attention All Script Guru need a hand here

  • My goal is to delete backup files that is not needed in the recovery of our database. I modified 1 script that will delete backup files older than the latest backup (that can be run in version 7). For example we have backups dated sept. 4-10 when running this script it will delete all backup files dated sept. 9 below and will retain the latest backup sept. 10. So let say if we schedule this script to run at 10pm of sept 11 assuming the folder with backup files only have backups dated sept 10 the script will not delete any backup files since the only backup in the folder is the latest backup then we schedule the database maintenance backup at 11pm what would be the result?..... your right the folder will be filled up with backup files dated sept. 11 and the total will be folder = sept. 10-11 backup files since the script is executed 10pm and database maintenance plan is set to 11pm it will not affect the 11pm backups correct?? the script is ok in my dummy database sql version 2000 but when scheduled the script in sql version 7 at the next day the folder contains only backup files of sept 11 (refer to the BOLD statement for the flow of the script&nbsp need script gurus here for correction if the script is not right. Im just a fresh graduate and currently trying to adapt at sql scripting thanks....

    "-=Still Learning=-"

    Lester Policarpio

  • BTW here is the script i used (stored procedure) than can be run as a job schedule :

    CREATE PROCEDURE usp_DeleteOldBackup


    DECLARE @path varchar(1024)

    DECLARE @extension varchar(3)

    DECLARE @pathension varchar(1000)

    DECLARE @DeleteBeforeDate datetime

    DECLARE @FName varchar(1024)

    DECLARE @delete varchar(1024)

    DECLARE @error varchar(1000)

    DECLARE @msg varchar(1000)

    DECLARE @count int

    -- Drop tables if they exist --

    IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.cmdshell') IS NOT NULL

        DROP TABLE cmdshell

    IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.Errors') IS NOT NULL

        DROP TABLE Errors

    CREATE TABLE cmdshell (Fentry varchar(1024),FDate VARCHAR(25), FName VARCHAR(50))

    CREATE TABLE Errors (Results VARCHAR(1000))


    SET @path = 'C:\lester\'--change path of backup files


    SET @extension = 'BAK'

    SET @pathension = 'dir /OD '+@Path+'*.'+@Extension

    insert into cmdshell(fentry) exec master..xp_cmdshell @pathension

    delete from cmdshell where fentry not like '%.BAK%'

    delete from cmdshell where fentry is NULL

    UPDATE cmdshell set fdate =  substring(fentry,1,10) , fname = substring(fentry,40,50)

    -- Set @DeleteBeforeDate --

    IF @DeleteBeforeDate is null

     select @DeleteBeforeDate = (Select top 1 FDate

         from cmdshell

         where right(FName,3) = @Extension

         order by FDate DESC)

    --delete record for most recent backup

    delete from cmdshell where FDate >= @DeleteBeforeDate

    SET @count = 0



        SELECT  FName

            FROM cmdshell

                WHERE  FDate <  @DeleteBeforeDate

    OPEN curDir


    WHILE (@@fetch_status = 0)


        -- Delete the old backup files

        SET @Delete = 'DEL "'+ @Path + @FName + '"'

        INSERT INTO Errors (Results)

            exec master..xp_cmdshell @Delete


        IF @@RowCount > 1


            SET @Error = -1

            SET @Msg = 'Error while Deleting file ' + @FName

            GOTO On_Error


    --    PRINT @Delete

        PRINT 'Deleted ' + @FName + '  at ' +  CONVERT(VARCHAR(28),GETDATE(),113)

        set @count = @count+1



    print ''

    print 'The total number of Backups deleted is: ' print @count

    CLOSE curDir


    DROP TABLE cmdshell

    DROP TABLE Errors




        IF @Error <> 0


            SELECT @Msg + '.  Error # ' + CAST(@Error AS VARCHAR(10))


            RETURN @Error




    "-=Still Learning=-"

    Lester Policarpio

  • Lester, have you had a look through the script library on this site. There is a good chance that a script like this has already been written.

    Also, just a tip, set things like your path as parameters. Then you don't need to change the script to choose a different path, you just supply a different value for the parameter.

    eg: exec usp_DeleteOldBackup @path = 'c:\lester\', or exec usp_DeleteOldBackup @path = 'c:\backups\'

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Thanks for the correction Phil, yes actually the script originated in the script library but when i ran it errors occured (in sql version 7.0) so i made a modification just to make it compatible to version 7.0. It runs well but the output is not what i've expected like when i tested it in version 2000

    "-=Still Learning=-"

    Lester Policarpio

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