Attach Failure in a Cluster

  • When I get on the virtual machine to do an attach of a database, I get the following error:

    "Msg 5120, Level 16, State 101, Line 1

    Unable to open the physical file "S:\MSSQL\DatabaseName.mdf". Operating system error 5: "5(Access is denied.)""

    This makes no sense to me as I am sysadmin on the instance and local admin on both nodes. Furthermore, the drive for the above database is shared out to me with Full Control. Furthermore, my boss can attach easily.

    I have rebooted my laptop; relogged in (via RDP) to the virtual server and nothing works.

    Any ideas? I have to get this working...

  • Does the SQL Server service account has sufficient privileges on the drive/file "S:\MSSQL\DatabaseName.mdf"

    Pradeep Adiga
    Twitter: @pradeepadiga

  • I found the issue. Some of the detached files had weird permissions on them.

    When I gave myself full control over the file, I could do the attach.

  • Yes. Looks good. It was the file issue above...

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