Are we permitted to use MS SQL Server Express for commercial purposes?

  • Are we permitted to use MS SQL Server Express for commercial purposes?

    I've read from this:

    but I can not understand fully, the language was too long-winded.

    I just wan to know, Does microsoft allow me to use commercially or not

    Best Regards,

    Eko Indriyawan

  • Yes, it can be used for commercial purposes... many well known products (e.g. Backup Exec) have used the free version of SQL Server for a long time.

  • Thanks for your information,

    Before my clients install MS SQL Server Express,

    Does he always to register them first to microsoft?

    Best Regards,

    Eko Indriyawan

  • I don't believe the end users have to register.

    The link you posted is (I believe) intended for those who are bundling SQL Express as part of an application that they are selling/distributing... i.e. the vendors of, say, Backup Exec would have had to register and agree to the licence before they could sell the product, as it incorporates SQL Express. If I am the one buying Backup Exec, I don't have to register SQL Express.

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