Archive generated CSV file

  • I am using DTS to generate a CSV file.

    I want to archive the generated CSV file and genrate a new CSV file every week

  • Usually manipulating files is done using the file system object in an ActiveX Script in the DTS package, or alternatively in an xp_cmdshell script (which could be done as a step in the scheduled job). Personally I prefer the DTS method as it puts all the code in one place and errors can be trapped more easily (eg the non-existence of the file).

    Paul Ibison

    Paul Ibison

  • Thanks

    But still i have a problem

    i havent used DTS much so i dont know whats the code to be written

    Can you please help me out .


  • In a DTS ActiveX script this will rename a file called c:\misc\xxx.txt - try it out.

    Dim fs, sFilePath, sDestinationPath

    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    sFilePath = "c:\misc\xxx.txt"

    sDestinationPath = "c:\misc\yyy.txt"

    If fs.FileExists(sFilePath) Then

    fs.CopyFile sFilePath, sDestinationPath

    fs.DeleteFile sFilePath

    End If

    Set fs = Nothing

    Paul Ibison

    Paul Ibison

  • Thanks very much.

    I will try this script .

    Thanks again very much for me helping me out

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