Append Entire File Content to Another File

  • Hello,Does anyone have an example as to how I could take the entire contents of one text file, and append those contents to the content of another text file? 
    Is there some way to use the WriteLine method (VBScript FileSystemObject) to do this?
    Thank you for your help!CSDunn
  • set fso=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")

    set nfl = fso.createtextfile("c:\pathtoresultfile\resultfile.txt")

    set fl= fso.OpenTextFile("c:\pathtofile1\file1.txt")

    do while not fl.atendofstream

     nfl.writeline fl.readline


    set fl= fso.OpenTextFile("c:\pathtofile1\file2.txt")

    do while not fl.atendofstream

     nfl.writeline fl.readline


    set fl= fso.OpenTextFile("c:\pathtofile1\file3.txt")

    do while not fl.atendofstream

     nfl.writeline fl.readline



    set nfl=nothing

  • Thanks for your help, I'll try this!


  • It could also be done using xp_cmdshell and the TYPE command, thus:

    EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdShell 'TYPE C:\TextFile.txt >> C:\TextFile2.txt'

    This would append the contents of Textfile.txt to TextFile2.txt on the SQL server. You can also use computer name (\\COMPUTER\...) paths for files over the network using this method.



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