Anyone using Kingswaysoft ETL integration components?

  • We're using their SharePoint integration toolkit.

    We only have a few jobs and have it installed on a single prod server. I was told we could get trial licenses for testing as needed.

    I'm getting pushback now on getting a trial license so I can test the new version of their toolkit. They are suggesting we purchase a 3 month license so I can run a job on our test server for a few days.

    I'm mostly curious if anyone else has ran into issues getting temp licenses in order to test? Or does everyone else purchase a license for their test server?

  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

  • I'm using it on a project to extract data from Dynamics CRM Online. I've been using the developer license to test in the past, and it works well but doesn't allow you to run in an automated fashion. I'd recommend that you do that first either locally or in your Test environment, before looking to purchase a 3-month license.

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