Any good process for source code control in SQL Server 2000

  • 1. Good day. I have a problem of source control my SP/Triggers & function in sql server 2000.

    2. My company often have problem updating our development database to our client due to the

    following problem. As expert in this area, we seek your advise/guidance on this issue.


    a. A few of the developer might just send some scripts or udates to our client without updating our source control repository (Perforce)


    b. If any of us are at our client side, they might just fix or patch some stored procedures. They forget to update our main office source control repository.


    c. Some of the bugs that client reported, we need to have the exact data in the database to simulate.


    From the above issues. We often have problem deploying our new update to our client. Our central source control repository

    might be outdated and there is no way to know which script are new or outdated.


    Is there any good process or method that you can recommand to solve my company database source control issues


    2a. You must make them use Perforce, otherwise, fire them.  But really,  a responsible dba or senior developer should be putting changes in.  They should check update/rollback scripts into Perforce and the DBA/Senior Dev should run them. 

    2b.  See 2a.

    2c.  Have them send you a backup of their database and restore a test machine at your building.  Perhaps I am misunderstanding your issue here?  The answer seems too simple .


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