Anomaly while inserting data using SSIS

  • Hello ,

    I have a table A that has colums

    ID Name Address SSN ZIp etc

    Table B with the same colums

    ID Name Address SSN

    I do a LEFT JOIN on the id of table A & table B

    select a.address, ad.ssn from A

    left join A on =

    I use the above query in an SSIS package


    where the destination has say 1000 rows. I add the address and ssn from table A onto B where there is a join.


    After running the package it inserts from the 1001 row of table B..i.e. after all rows..and has a null for id, name etc...

    The package also seems to pause midway..

    Can anyone please let me know what the problem is??? (It may be kind of obvious but do let me know!)


  • I'm not sure I fully understand your problem. Are you expecting that all of the records in the destination table will be overwritten? If so, you need to include some logic to do this - by default, it will simply append rows to the table if data already exists in the destination.

    If you are finding some unexpected NULLs in your JOIN, this is caused - at least in part - from your LEFT JOIN. Doing a LEFT JOIN will include all rows from the left side of your join and will marry those with any matching rows on the right. If you only want to include rows that are matching, use an INNER JOIN instead.



    Tim Mitchell, Microsoft Data Platform MVP
    Data Warehouse and ETL Consultant | @Tim_Mitchell |
    ETL Best Practices

  • No, not overwritten. Just wanto add the address and SSN column from table A onto table B..where there is a join on the id's of the two tables. So for every id on table b that is matched i wanto add the address and ssn

    Additionally the package does not get completed. It copies 9,452 rows(out of 2 million) and like just pauses(shows a yellow).


    J D

  • would an update table statement do the trick, however is it possible to update a column of one table to a column from another??(which is referenced in the join)

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