Analysis services Database Processing

  • Hello Everyone.

    I have a analysis services database and I want to schedule the automation of the database process. I copied the script generated by right clicking the analysis services database and again clicking on process. I have the following script now can I schedule this script to run everyday if so can you please provide me the steps to do that.


    <Batch xmlns="">

    <ErrorConfiguration xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ddl2="" xmlns:ddl2_2="" xmlns:ddl100_100="" xmlns:ddl200="" xmlns:ddl200_200="">




    <Process xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ddl2="" xmlns:ddl2_2="" xmlns:ddl100_100="" xmlns:ddl200="" xmlns:ddl200_200="">










  • If you're running SQL Agent, you could go there, add a new job. In the job, add a new Step, set the type to be SQL Server Analysis Services Command and paste your XMLA to the command window.



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