Always On AG

  • I was trying to create cluster for AG group and it fails to create cluster the sad part is without any error and it says

    error occurred while creating the the cluster

    This operation returned because the timeout period expired.

    Anyone has seen this problem? Please advise?

  • Never mind. I think i found the problem.Made some progress but stuck into other issue.

    However, this time i am getting different issue.

    Adding special permissions to the computer object failed. Trying to add 'Full-Access' permissions for security principal to computer object . Verify that the user running create cluster has permissions to update the computer object om Active Directory Domain services. Access denied.

    Seems like my account needs permission to create account based on the error. What level of permission would i need to create the cluster in AD or do you think the error is misleading?

  • If possible kindly ask the domain admin with the to create the cluster. they have domain admin permission to create the computer object for the cluster on the domain. Alternately, use a ID which has domain admin permission while creating the cluster.

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