Alter multiple procedures within the same script wrapped in transaction

  • Hi

    I am looking for a way to alter multiple procedures in the same script wrapped in a transaction.

    Begin Transaction

    alter proc......

    alter proc.....

    end transaction

    This doesn't work, is there a way of doing it without using dynamic sql?

    The purpose of this is for promoting code from Dev to UAT and if there are errors in the code or it doesnt run successfully it can be rolled back.

    Thanks in advance

  • What error are you receiving?


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  • Create/alter procedure should be the first statement in a query batch


    thanks for the reply

  • Deploying using SSDT takes care of this for you. Have you considered using that?

    Another possibility would be to snapshot your UAT database prior to deploying and do a revert in case of error.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • I haven't tried SSDT, id like to though

    its completely new to me so I'm not sure how it could help, could you give me a start please

  • That is rather a large topic! But SSDT allows you to create a 'project' for each of your databases. These projects are contained in one or more 'solutions'.

    Each project contains all of the DDL files needed to recreate the database – essentially a single .SQL file for each database object.

    Rather than modify database objects directly in SSMS, you use VS (or, more accurately, SSDT (SQL Server Data Tools)) to modify the .SQL files and then you can run a 'deploy'. The deployment process does a schema-compare between your target database and your database project. If any differences are found, the deployment makes modifications to the target DB to bring it in line with what is contained in your database project.

    Database projects are also great for source control.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • The current process is, the devs dev 🙂 and then once finished they create a script and send it to the dbas who run that script in management studio

    I dont think that SSDT could help in SSMS could it?

  • I used to work that way about 15 years ago.

    Here is a sample process developing using SSDT. It assumes that devs do development locally.

    1. Dev checks out a new Git branch
    2. Dev develops changes locally in SSDT, including the testing of deployment to their local DB.
    3. When changes are complete, the dev checks in and pushes their code changes to a central repo and creates a pull request (PR) for review.
    4. A senior developer opens the PR and assesses the changes. If any code needs to be tweaked, the senior dev tells the dev. The dev makes changes, checks in and pushes the changes once more. The senior dev reviews again.
    5. When the senior dev is happy with the changes, they 'complete' the PR to merge the changes into your UAT branch.
    6. Using a tool such as TeamCity, Octopus Deploy or Azure DevOps, the changes to the branch are detected and deployed automatically.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • thanks a lot for the reply, I know its not ideal not having everything in source control, its is a task on the list I am told

    another question

    Does the "Pull Request" include multiple procedures if needed?

    so as far as I know a single repository is used for a single procedure/view/function/etc, and code is checked in and checked out of repositories whilst devs are deving (is that right?).

    but if you want to promote to UAT you may want to use multiple repositories and maybe a few data manipulation commands and if you didn't run them in order there would be errors. So they required deployment might be

    1. Repository Proc A
    2. Repository Function B
    3. Update this
    4. Insert into that

    Then would that as a whole be a pull request?

  • A source control repository contains a (technical term) bunch of files which form some sort of logical grouping. That grouping is your choice.

    An example repo would be 'Databases'. This could contain the database projects for all of your User databases.

    If the dev makes changes to tables, views, functions and procs as part of a change, all of these changes are included in the PR.

    When SSDT deploys the changes, it takes care of ordering.

    Things get interesting where data needs to be manipulated during deployment. There are things known as pre- and post-deployment scripts that can usually handle this, with some crafting.

    As I suggested earlier, there is a lot to learn. If you are considering implementing this, I suggest you start with a simple DB that is not mission-critical, so that you can get used to a different way of working.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Thanks again, I'm going to start today 🙂

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