Advice on Failed Assertion = ''startLSN >= m_curLSN''

  • Hi All,

    I am looking for some advice. I have a replication running. I have been getting an error " Failed Assertion = 'startLSN >= m_curLSN' " . This was supposed to be fixed in SP4. But they still have issues with it. MS recommends you to Reintialize the replication. But that is a bit too difficult for me to do.

    Can you tell me how severe this problem is? Can the SQL Server live with this without any other big issues? What is the impact on the day to day operation due to this error.

    Any help and advice is appreciated.




  • The error relates to LSNs and hence Transaction log files - the log reader agent fails and generates the error. Run DBCC CHECKDB on the replicated database, MSDB and Master. If no errors, the server should be fine, but offcourse the replication won't work correctly wihout reinitialization, since the error is generated by the log reader agent. It is difficult to comment about the severity of the problem at this stage. You must have backups of all databases, just in case.

  • Hi Gagandeep,

    I have been having this error for nearly threee weeks now. The replication is working fine. A bit slow for my liking but still it works. The problem with reintializing it is that I am going to have to shutdown the operation of the company for quite some time. My DB is around 80 Gig and almost all the tables are being replicated. I cannot afford to have the Replication get screwed up by reintializing.

    I will be running DBCC CheckDB. Hopefully there wont be any error. 

    Thanks for the advice and information.



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