Admin rights to your SQL Servers

  • How many of you have actual privledges to the physical server that houses your SQL Server, and have local admin rights?

    A lot of Corporations do not allow a DBA to have access or Local Administration privledges to the server. They have division of resposibilites and only a few select people can log onto the servers.

    As a SQL Server DBA, it seems utterly impossible to support SQL Server without being able to access the server it resides on, or having local admin rights to the box.

    How is this handled at your facility??


  • I work at a small company and have domain admin rights and physical access as well. If I were to leave that might change with the next DBA - would depend on their background I think. I can understand restricting access. After all, I dont want the network admin making changes to SQL - though again in my case our network admin is a member of sysadmins.


  • I work in a large corporation but the group I am in owns their own servers and I am admin over both Windows and SQL. However we have a server in the server farm that we had no control over as it was handled by a corporate DBA and NT admin who were seperate. Thru much change thou I now also control that one as well.

  • I have local admin rights on our Department's servers (database, file and web)but do not have access to the server room. When I need physical access to the machines I have to get a Sys or Net Admin to let me in the room.


    I'm allowed, though not expected, to do Windows administration on our servers. This is part of my job description and qualifications. And they leave all the SQL stuff to me. For instance when we get a new server, we spec it, they buy it, install it and set it up (Windows, backup, security, etc.) but leave the database installation to us.


  • I work at a starup( 35 people, 8 in IT) and all developers have Domain admin rights, including me. Not that I agree with this, but havn't been able to change it.

    I usually have domain admin rights, but I have a strong networking background, so it's not like a developer turned DBA. I was a network admin turned DBA.

    Personally I don't need domain admin rights and would be happy with a normal account. However, SQL runs smoother as a local admin, so I would always have local admin rights because I control the server.

    Steve Jones

  • Our DBAs have local administrative rights to most boxes. Boxes that are within the control of the DBA team are configured in this manner. The rationale is pretty simple... the DBAs know the SQL Server service accounts, which do have local administrator group rights. As a result, it does no good to give that account administrator rights and not give them rights. Also, when things hit the fan, they have what they need to take a serious look at the box.

    K. Brian Kelley

    K. Brian Kelley

  • I work at a small company (about 100 employees). Our DBA and myself have local admin rights to all our SQL Servers. Even with this we have limited access to the two clustered servers that are at a data center. We have no way to actually log onto the machine and use our administrative rights. We used to, through PC anywhere, however someone decided we shouldn't have that kind of access.

    I can map network drives to those servers which allows me to monitor and administrate backup files.

    I also have local admin rights to our FTP server. I think I have this because of my networking background. This allows me to create new folders and share them out and do whatever else I need to set up new datafeeds for our clients without haveing to bother our networking people.

    We do have access to our server room.

    Robert Marda

    Robert W. Marda
    Billing and OSS Specialist - SQL Programmer
    MCL Systems

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