Adding Replica To AG

  • I have a 3 replica AG with the primary, 1 synchronous secondary, and 1 asynchronous secondary. The AG has 5 databases. I would like to add another asynchronous secondary. I will be manually syncing the new replica by manually backing up and restoring the databases onto it.

    My question: For testing purposes, I'd like to first add 1 database to the new replica and get it synced and participating in the AG while we monitor network usage, etc. to the new server. This is a small database while the others are large and will take some time to load. Is it OK to leave the added replica in this state (i.e. only 1 db of 5) for a day or two? It's asynchronous, so the AG will not try to automatically fail over to it. My concern is that the transaction logs on the other 4 dbs may not clear, even if log backups are being made.

  • I'm not sure how you would do this...The databases are added at the AG level not at the Node/Replica level so how would you even put a single database on a node of a multi-database AG?

  • When you manually add databases to the AG (via backup / restore), you do it one database at a time. I'm planning on restoring one database and stopping there temporarily.
    To be clear: I am not planning on running in this configuration. I am simply stopping at an intermediate step (only 1 of 5 databases loaded into the new replica) to check out some network stuff.

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