Add Extra page for every single report page SSRS

  • How can we add extra Terms and Condition page for every single page of the report?

    For example, on the first page it prints part of the invoice, on the second page ’TermsAndCondition', on the third page part of the invoice, and on the fourth page ’TermsAndCondition' and so on.

    Can we even achieve it by using report designer?

    Or do I have to use third party library such as PDFSharp? or iTextSharp? inside my V.B program?

    Any insight please?

  • Considering you have been here long enough, you really should use the correct forum for your question. For example, some of the other topics you have created are in the SSRs forums, however, have no relation to it. In this case, it's the opposite, this is an SSRS question, not SQL Server 2012 administration.

    How are you defining your pages? Are you using Page breaks? If so, why not simply add the T&C's after each Page Break and then add a Page break to that (for your next section to start).


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • I was unable to use Pagebreak (in rectangle, I use "Page break before"). That rectangle is in footer. I've applied but it is not showing the break so it can't go to next page.

    This is my layout of the report.

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