Add a space into a cell

  • In Access, how do I get a text cell to retain a space with no other data?

  • Don't know if I understand you correctly, but if you are asking how to get a default value of a *space*, I would look at the table design, jump to that column, click on th three dots on the right of it to invoke the expression wizard ans search for functions-> builtin functions->text -> space or space(s).

    Sorry not sure about the translation as I looked this up in the German version.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • I have a complied program that some other company has written. I must update data in a table that that the complied program runs over. Some of the columns require data and if there is no data a space is required. Without the space the compiled program does not return the data. I have found if I run a update query that the table retains the space, but if I type a space Access will not retain the space.



  • So, why don't you run the query when it works?

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Your compiled program probably does not like nulls, so adding the space enables their joins to work correctly.

    There is a couple of ways to deal with this.

    If you can modify the table, change the Allow Zero Length Property on the field in question to YES.  Add a Default value of "" this is just two quotes which is a zero length string.

    And/Or if you can modify the Form where you edit this data you could and and after update event to check for null and change it to "" if found.

    If isnull(me!YourField) then me!YourField = ""

    this will reset and nulls and should probably fix your problem, if the zero length string does not work just add a space between the quotes.

    I do not get to check this site everyday, if you need somemore help use this email, remove the nospam-

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