activex controls on reporting services

  • I have been trying to find out on the net for this but have not come up with anything. At microsoft they say that for date parameters in RS 2005 they will try to put in calendar controls but they are not promising anything. So the question that arises here is this. Is it possible? Anybody done any kind of research on this or does anybody have any concrete information on the possibility of using calendar controls in any form in RS 2000.

    Thanks in advance

  • You could always embed the report call in an .aspx page that has calendar controls and pass the date through in a call to he report.

  • Thanks Jim but that solution wont work since the client wants to change the date after the report is displayed. I can't take the user back to the aspx always once the report is up then the user wants the privilege to change the dates and run the report again

  • They do provide the calendar control in 2005, your best bet is to upgrade if possible.



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