Active-X window schwacked

  • This isn't good.  All of a sudden whenever I double-click an Active-X task to edit the code, all I get is the Language/Object browser, which extends all the way across the screen.  I can not see the code textbox.  I have tried stretching the form and repositioning it.  Unfortunately, I get the same thing when I open a package in SQL2005 Legacy DTS designer too!!  What can I do?  I tried reinstalling the 2005 DTS components, but it didn't help.  Please let me know if you've seen or fixed this!
    Thank You.
  • I like the "schwacked" term

    I haven't used much of the SQL 2005 tools yet but I would imagine that the window sizing is stored in your CURRENT_USER registry section.  Have a dig round there under the SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT area.  To verify this, make another Windows account, log on to that account and run your editor - if it appears nicely sized then it is definitely a registry setting.

    You could use RegMon from SysInternals to watch what registry keys in CURRENT_USER are being accessed.

  • Ian, you're a genius!  That was exactly the problem.  It wasn't too hard to find either:
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\80\DTS\ActiveXWindowPosition\splitterpos
    somehow my setting was 50000 +, when the left and right were something like 300 and 1200.  (Maybe my dual-monitor setup screwed it up somehow?) I set it to 500, and it's usable again!  thank you.

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