Accessing SSAS Cubes on Mac

  • Hi,

    Can someone please let me know if it will be possible to create a report by connecting to Analysis Services (SSAS) cube from  Mac  using excel ?

    Our user wants to access cubes using the normal way using  excel as you do on windows  without writting sql query in excel.

    Our user do not have Sql experience.

    I read an article saying SSAS cubes are not supported on Mac


    Many thanks.





  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

  • SSAS required Windows AD auth to work, so it "could" be possible if you could get kerberos working and you can get kinit to store credentials in the Mac's credential cache, then Excel can hook into the credential cache.  But I have never ever bothered to try this at all, so it's all theory.

    But otherwise, you need to give them a Windows machine which is domain joined and uses AD auth.

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