a very wierd one...mite put ur experience to real test

  • Hi  ,

    I am amid resolving a wierd issue.

    The database i am trying to query would let me query all the tables present in the database.there are almost a 1000 of them.I can query them and i get the records.

    But the execution of the stored procedure  "sp_tables"  would return only one table.I was puzzled by this.

    can someone clarify this inconsistency.

    thank you

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Look carefully at the output. All of the tables and views are listed in the column TABLE_NAME. You may be looking at the TABLE_QUALIFIER column.

  • Are you getting back one record? Or 1000?  If you are getting 1000, I would tend to agree with JackSteezo - Otherwise, please post your entire t-sql statement for us to look at.  I just tried it on several DBs in its default form:


    sp_tablesand it performed as expected.  Are you supplying any parameters?

  • i am not supplying any parmaters.


    Execute sp_tables


    i am getting one regular table and may be 10 other system tables and that is it

  • What user are you logging in as? SA?

  • i am new here and they kust gave me the query access

  • You are probably only seeing tables that your login has been granted access to. That is the most likely scenario. Are you able to open and use the Management Studio? If so, you should only be able to see tables that your login has access to. If you are a developer, you should have appropriate access to the tables you need - check with your IT department.

  • You are probably only seeing tables that your login has been granted access to. That is the most likely scenario. Are you able to open and use the Management Studio? If so, you should only be able to see tables that your login has access to. If you are a developer, you should have appropriate access to the tables you need - check with your IT department.

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