70 - 462 Administering SQL Server Databases 2012

  • Hi,

    I am really stuck working through the training kit and would appreciate some help. I have a PC with Windows 10 Pro 64-bit and I am running the Hyper-V environment shown in the link:


    At the moment I am only working with SQL-A, SQL-B, SQL-CORE and DC

    I have configured a program firewall rule for SQL Server (this is part of the training kit and as I understand easier to manage than configuring static ports for named instances), this has been done through Group Policy on DC. I can see this rule on SQL-A, SQL-B, SQL-CORE, which is fine at this stage.

    Question 1: Up until about 3 hours I could connect remotely from SQL-A to SQL-B, now I am getting a network related error, when I turn off the firewall on SQL-B I can connect fine. When I first set up the rule and installed SQL Server I had the same issue but after leaving it for a few hours I could connect, I put this down to the firewall rules not being applied immediately. Now I am at a loss, it was working correctly, now it isn't, has anybody got ideas?

    Question 2: I have also installed SQL Server on SQL-CORE, I have not been able to connect remotely even if I turn the firewall off. I have a very little previous experience of Server Administration so I am struggling to grasp Server Core, I am mainly using MMC to manage the firewall rules through another machine. I can see the program rule I have created on the firewall though, has anybody got any ideas on how to troubleshoot this issue?

    I have spent quite a lot of time trying to figure this out, at least a week now so if you have any guidance I will appreciate that, if you can provide a list of what SQL Server uses for remote connection and how I can troubleshoot it that would be extremely beneficial.

    I was hoping to have the material covered quite quickly but this is really putting a roadblock in the way, I have gone further through the material as I have an instance on my host machine that I can use but I cannot carry out a lot of the training exercises.


  • Are you using group policy to apply the firewall rules? Remember it takes some time for the changes to propagate. You can try forcing the policy to apply after making changes by using gpupdate /force

    If you want my advice, if its causing you problems then just disable the firewalls. You can then get on with learning the actual things which will be tested in the exams. If you want then at a later date go back and see if you can get it working

  • Yes using group policy, I will give the force command a try, I think you're right that this could be causing the issue because when I initially set up it took quite a few hours to apply the rule and I have been playing around with the rules to try and connect to SQL-CORE. I have changed them back now to original state but they might be taking a long time to be applied which has caused me to lose connection to SQL-B.

    You're right though, I have wasted a lot of time on this so I am just going to move on and do what I can and turn the firewalls off, if you've got any advise on SQL-CORE that will be helpful, I am thinking of trying a reinstall, see if that helps but I am going to work through the material as well as I can and if I need to come back to them.

    Thanks for your help.

  • I'm afraid I don't know anything about sql core. Maybe reinstall and ensure the firewall is disabled.

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