3 GB Lock Memory

  • Hi, in my SQL Server 2008 SP1 Enterprise 64bit environment I have 64 GB of memory installed, 59000 MB are reserverd to SQL Server, in this setup my lock memory counter of perfmon is nearly 3.8 GB for days, this seems high to me, I query sys.dm_tran_locks there are 1800 locks currrently. Is this too high for lock memory? Is there a way to force SQL to reduce this allocation if it is not needed anymore?


  • Are you having any particular issues that you think are related to the amount of lock memory?

    If not, leave it alone... SQL Server generally does a good job of balancing its various memory requirements.

    I haven't looked into this area for a while, and I'm not sure if you can influence the amount of memory used for locking in SQL Server 2008. You could in earlier versions.

  • This is a consolidated environment and no complaints arrived yet but I have buffer cache hit ratio as 97%, as far as I know this denote a memory pressure..

  • Most articles I have read would point to anything > 95% being good, so I don't think you have a problem.

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