2008_2008 R2 in the same computer

  • Hello,

    Checking the "Add Remove Programs" in an Windows XP machine I've found two different versions of SQL Server installed.

    Microsoft SQL Server 2008 : 1 157.00 MB

    Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 : 1 217.00 MB

    Can 2008 version be removed ?

    If yes, what must be checked ?

    Thank you for your attention.


  • I haven't tried it but most of the binaries are stored separately and the shared ones should be marked as in use by another program so it should work fine. I would do an uninstall of the instance you don't want. However, if this is production set up a test box the same way and try it there first. I would go to the extend of setting up a new box and using the exact same instance names and restoring the DBs over. And, if possible, setting up any applications that use the instances to have a test copy pointing at the new SQL box. That way you minimize the surprised that come up when doing this for real.

  • In theory it can be removed (not sure if there are bugs associated there). I don't have a list of the applications to remove but usually you can do that with a single app delete (try re-running hte install to see if there's a delete option).

    For prod I'd test, for personnal pc that canbe rebuilt I'd go ahead and try it.

    Make sure this has not been installed by a 3rd party app or it'll stop working!

  • Thank you for the answers,

    I've found after removing SQL Server 2008 that the 2008 R2 version was incomplete. All access to databases was lost.

    I've downloaded and installed SQL Server 2008 R2.

    I'm reconfiguring SQL Server 2008 R2 to fix this situation.



  • Hello,

    I believe I've finished the upgrade to SQL Server 2008 R2.

    The major problem that I have found was the connection string in the programs.

    I had to change the connection string :

    Driver={SQL Native Client}


    Driver={SQL Server Native Client 10.0}

    Thank you.


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