2007 Tech Salary Survey Results

  • First, regardless of the "savings" of hiring women, people aren't rational. They'll do things out of prejudice or desire more often than not. Even if it costs them. There are plenty of men that wouldn't want to work for/with women in their groups. I have also directly heard hiring managers say that they worry about the motherhood/pregnancy/family issues with woman and think they do less of a job.

    I'm not sure that in IT woman are paid substantially less as white collar workers. However having a wife that works and having seen salaries from HR systems, it does happen. Not in every case, and accounting for experience, it does seem that woman have to prove themselves a bit more. And they walk a balance of being not taken seriously or seen as too bitchy.

    It's getting better, but my guess is that as you move towards higher levels, directors, VPs, etc., there are still woman getting paid less than they'd pay a man to do the job. Enough that perhaps the statistics are skewed.

    It is hard to gather these statistics, especially when it's a sensitive subject.

  • Sorry that I did not read everything that was posted in the discussion, but I have a job. I take if from the length and the number of posts that some are not at work and are posting from home. I think my boss would wonder if I had time to do my job if I spent that much time and effort on discussions like this.

    I know that it is important, but doing one's job is as well.

    Not all gray hairs are Dinosaurs!

  • in the article "http://career-resources.dice.com/tech_salary_survey_06.shtml"

    how come SQL Server DBA is not listed... any ideas what a sql server dba makes?

Viewing 3 posts - 31 through 32 (of 32 total)

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