2005 TransferSqlServerObjectsTask Problem

  • (I posted this in the 2005 General thread before I noticed this thread)

    I am in the process of building a SQL Server 2005 SSIS package that uses the TransferSqlServerObjectsTask... but there is a problem.

    When I create the object I can use expressions to set almost everything I need to set at run time with a notable exception.

    As in 2000, the TransferSqlServerObjectsTask does NOT allow you to set the tables to be copied at run time.  They must be set at design time and cannot be changed.  But I have a need to copy tables where I'm not aware of the table name in advance of run time.

    I know that I am going to have to use the Script object to execute a VB script... which in-turn dynamically creates a TransferSqlServerObjectsTask and then uses expressions to set each of the objects properties via code.

    The problem is I'm not familiar with VB.net.  Does anyone have examples, suggestions or other ideas about how I can do this?


  • I read this both places you posted it and tried to do some research on it... there did not appear to be anything at sqlis.com and I couldn't find anything in Google Groups or elsewhere in my normal rounds.  It's an interesting problem and I will be looking for your solution.  I pulled out Farmer's book on Scripting and scanned the TOC... nothing that looked useful.

    Keep us posted please!


    david russell

  • Try this:



  • By the way, there's a lot of really useful stuff in Donald Farmer's book.

    Just nothing that happens to touch on this particular problem.


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