1 PK refrencing 2 FK

  • 2 different tables A, B

    A has PK question int (table that holds all authentication question)

    B has info abt verifying subscriber. email address etc. and question (1) and question(2) {Question 1 & 2 are already defined by us} with answere(1)& answere(2) for him to fill(just like when we set our online banking)

    Q is when i am draw an ER diagram, i would have 2 lines coming form table A to table B.

    is this logic correct?


    Noli Timere
  • You will define FK on column level but not or record level, so even if you have more than 2 questions in the table A, the ralation ship what it shows in the ER diagram would be through single line.

    I mean any FK relation should be shown with single line.

    If you have 2 FK relation on a table then it would have 2 line going out from that table.

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