Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 T-SQL Datatype Issues... 8000 characters is too small. RE: Datatype Issues... 8000 characters is too small.

  • Hi Roxanne,

    Have you tried writing VB code that uses ADO to execute your built queries?

    You would need to return the SQL queries in a resultset.  So, you might add the following code at the stored proc

    declare @sql_stmts table (

      cols varchar(8000),

      from varchar(8000),

      where varchar(8000)


    -- repeat insert below for each query

    insert into @sql_stmts values(

      <comma delimited list of columns in SQL query would go here>,

      <SQL query FROM clause (i.e. inner joins also) would go here>,

      <SQL query WHERE would go here&gt

    select * from @sql_stmts

    Then, the VB code might look something like this:

    Dim cn as ADODB.Connection, rs as ADODB.Recordset

    cn.Open "DB conn str goes here"

    Set rs = cn.Execute("spQuery 'SomeQuery', '5' ")

    Dim strSqls as String

    'building the SQL statements

    While (Not rs.EOF)

      strSqls = strSqls & "SELECT " & rs(0) & " FROM " & rs(1) & " WHERE " & rs(2) & ";"



    'now, execute all the SQL queries in one execute call


    Hope this helps,
