• Yeah! very nice, kkeeffe...always appreciate someone using "While" loops instead of cursors. Below is your code modified to:

    1) Remove @Rowcount variable and use "IF @@Rowcount = 0 Break" instead. It's cheaper.

    2) Removed Delete statement and added Where clause "Where Len(Name_) <> 0". Also cheaper, as it's checking a condition instead of modifying a row.

    3) added "If object_id('tempdb..#table1') is not null Drop Table #table1". Would also suggest changing these tables to "Declare @Table1 Table (Number int, Name_ varchar(50))" if your version allows.

    These modifications may seem trivial, but since it's a loop they can mean significant performance gains. Especially when compared to a cursor.

    If object_id('tempdb..#table1') is not null Drop Table #table1

    Create Table #table1 (Number int, Name_ varchar(50))

    Insert #table1 Values (1, 'ee,ed,ff,er,fsd')

    Insert #table1 Values (2, 'rr,kk')

    If object_id('tempdb..#table2') is not null Drop Table #table2

    Create Table #table2 (Number int, Name_ varchar(10))

    While 1 = 1 Begin

    Insert Into #table2

    Select t1.Number



    When Charindex(',', t1.Name_) > 0

    Then Replace(Left(t1.Name_, (Charindex(',', t1.Name_))), ',', '')

    Else t1.Name_


    From #table1 t1

    Where Len(Name_) <> 0

    IF @@Rowcount = 0 Break

    Update #table1

    Set Name_ =

    Case When Charindex(',', Name_) > 0

    Then Right(Name_, Len(Name_) - Charindex(',', Name_))

    Else ''


    From #table1

    Where Len(Name_) <> 0


    Select *

    From #table2

    Signature is NULL