• Yup, I'm sure there is a better way to get where I'm going... all and any advice appreciated ...

    I have a table (tblBitMask) with two fields. A primary key and a non-null integer value field (BinaryValue).

    The value field will always be 2 to the power of an integer (e.g. 1,2,4,8,16 etc.). This table is basically a lookup on a bitmask binary field in another table -- what's important is that not all the powers of 2 will be in there .. for example this table may contain:

    1,2,8 (note, no 4)

    I need to produce a table containing all the possible combinations of the numbers in tblVarBin. In this case that would be 8 results:


    Final restriction .. must work in SQL Server 7.0

    Now that I've found a very convoluted solution to this problem, it is probably time for some kind person to step forward and introduce me to a built in function that does this :).

    Anyway, the way I've done it is below, and it should be apparant why I want to prepopulate the results table with 2 ^ (Row count in tblVarBin).

    However, it still depends on there being a table with lots of rows. Maybe I could depend on sysobjects CROSS joined with itself, but I'ld rather not if I don't have to.


    CREATE PROCEDURE up_BinaryCombinations


    DECLARE @intBlankRows int

    SET @intBlankRows=Power(2,(SELECT Count(*) FROM tblBitMask))

    --SELECT @intBlankRows

    -- 1) Create a temp table (#tblResults) with a counter and a sum field with -- Count(*) FROM tblBitMask ^ 2 -- rows

    CREATE TABLE #tblResults (

    ResultsID int identity NOT NULL ,

    Total int NOT NULL


    -- **************************** HERE -- I DON'T WANT TO USE sysobjects .. cross join??? *******

    SET ROWCOUNT @intBlankRows

    INSERT INTO #tblResults (Total) SELECT 0 FROM sysobjects


    -- 2) Create a temp table (#tblBinaryValues) with a counter and the original Mask values (ordered asc)

    CREATE TABLE #tblBinaryValues (

    BinaryValueID int identity NOT NULL ,

    BinaryValue int NOT NULL


    INSERT INTO #tblBinaryValues (BinaryValue) SELECT BinaryValue FROM tblBitMask ORDER BY BinaryValue ASC

    --3) Update @tblResults to show all possible combinations of binary values, based on the masks available in @tblBinaryValues

    UPDATE tr

    SET tr.Total=BitMaskSum


    #tblResults tr,




    Sum(bv.BinaryValue) As BitMaskSum


    #tblResults r,

    #tblBinaryValues bv

    WHERE ((r.ResultsID-1) & Power(2,(bv.BinaryValueID-1)))=Power(2,(bv.BinaryValueID-1))

    GROUP BY r.ResultsID

    ) AS tblDerived

    WHERE tr.ResultsID=tblDerived.ResultsID

    SELECT * FROM #tblResults


    which contains

    0-n integers.