Blog Post

Production Code (T-SQL Tuesday #156)



T-SQL Tuesday - the brainchild of Adam Machanic and coordinated by Steve Jones (blog|Twitter) is a monthly blog party on the second Tuesday of each month. And I will be your host for November 2022.


I’m a learner by example, so when I started programming (not so long ago), I tried to find existing solutions on various Q&A sites or blogs, as one might.

After a while, I noticed one sentence repeating often enough that it stuck with me:

“This is not a production-grade code”.

So here’s my invitation: “Which quality makes code production grade?”

You might think: “Production code is code that runs in production, duh.”

But let’s help out the newbies who look for a bit of concrete guidance.

Please be as specific as possible with your examples and include your reasoning.

I’m not limiting the scope to just the SQL; it can be anything.


  1. Publish on Tuesday, 2022-11-08 (any time zone).
  2. Use the T-SQL Tuesday logo and link back to this post.
  3. Use the #tsql2sday hashtag on Twitter.
  4. Leave a comment here with a link to your post.
  5. DO NOT talk about Fight Club.

Original post (opens in new tab)


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