Blog Post

Azure Platform Series: Push to GitHub repo with 2FA from a Mac using Personal Access Token


This is another blog post in the series of how to #MakeStuffGo in Azure.


I have some code on my Mac. I need to put it into an empty GitHub repo for later deployment in Azure and I have to use a Personal Access Token (PAT). I was provided the URL of the repo and given the PAT so stored that in the keychain on my Mac.

#MakeStuffGo with PAT, GitHub and a Mac

  1. Add the PAT into Keychain:
    Screen Shot 2020-06-07 at 17.25.40
  2. Create the Project Folder on the Mac:
    heymish$ mkdir devops-aks-middleware-api
  3. Initialise the local git repo
    heymish$ cd devops-aks-middleware-api
    heymish$ git init
  4. Add the remote git repository – I have called mine origin – it could be anything
    heymish$ git remote add origin<clientrepo>/devops-aks-middleware-api.git
  5. Create a local branch
    heymish$ git checkout -b master
  6. Do some stuff

    For me I was just copying in code that we had worked on so far – so copied that into the directory and did:

    git status
    <list of files that I've added>
    "nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)"
  7. Now we want to add those files to be added to our initial commit:
    heymish$ git add .
    heymish$ git commit -m "initial code commit"
  8. Now comes the hard part – getting the 2FA stuff going with GitHub.

    a) we need to setup the GitHub email address we’ll use

    b) we need to setup the GitHub username we’ll use

    heymish$ git config --global ""
    heymish$ git config --global "TheHamishWatson"
  9. Now we will push our local changes to the remote branch.

    The -u flag indicates that we are pushing local changes upstream to origin

    git push -u origin master
  10. This will now ask me for credentials – which is the PAT I stored in the keychain before:
    Screen Shot 2020-06-07 at 17.19.36

    I type in the password for my keychain and I only click Allow – I’m ok to type in the password every time I need to auth to GitHub – I could click Always Allow – it’s just a personal thing.

  11. Git will now push my local changes up to the repository and I can now start to edit code and collaborate with my clients developers.

So there you go – not too hard and things are nice and secure. There are other ways to use GitHub – ssh vs https which I’ve done here. But for https the above method using a Personal Access Token is pretty straightforward.



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