The script returns all the fragmented indexes on all databases on the instance you run it. Can be run on multiple instances in the same time using central management capability.
2021-07-12 (first published: 2021-07-06)
3,003 reads
Found this useful for database migrations. This helps to identify how much space will need to be allocated for a new server and how a SQL Sever instance is using discs currently. Note. This won't show correct information on Linux instances and if you use mounting points in Windows.
2021-04-23 (first published: 2021-04-19)
908 reads
I have found this query valuable. Sometimes you need to see just overall consumption without any detailed information. It is also useful in overall trend analysis and disk space planning.
2020-06-16 (first published: 2020-06-12)
2,132 reads