Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 T-SQL Weird Behavior in SET ROWCOUNT with variables RE: Weird Behavior in SET ROWCOUNT with variables

  • Thank you all guys.

    Paulhumphris, the TOP keyword solves the problem and the results are excellent. However, the TOP keyword requires the use of an explicit number, not a variable. And if you try to use dynamic SQL to solve this (by formatting the query in string, then running it using exec() function, the table variable @flights_table won't be

    Recognized inside the dynamic SQL string… and if you declare it inside the dynamic

    string, Then it is not going to be recognized outside of it.

    Anyway, I am thinking of using temporary tables in place of table variables as it works will with SET ROWCOUNT and gives expected results. Even though it degrades the performance where I need it most.

    Again: Any thoughts, solutions or help are greatly appreciated..

    Have a nice day.