SQLServerCentral Editorial

Finally, Create or Alter


There are lots of reasons to upgrade to SQL Server 2016, but this is the one for me. We finally get a CREATE OR ALTER statement in T-SQL. This not only makes lots of code easier to write, it means that the ways in which you might script and schedule your future deployments will be cleaner. This is an exciting change for implementing a simpler and easier Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment system in your organization.

It's not perfect news for a few reasons. First, this is a SQL Server 2016 addition to T-SQL only. That means until you have most of your applications have moved to SQL Server 2016 SP1+, you won't be able to use this construct. That's OK, because it will mean that at some point most of our instances will be on SQL Server 2016 SP1 or later, and much of our code will be cleaner. We won't resort to including IF statements in our deployment scripts. We won't need to create stubs of procedures and functions so our code is embedded in an ALTER script. In essence, you won't need to maintain two separate code constructs to make a change.

This isn't perfect, nor is it complete. We still don't have CREATE OR ALTER for tables. That's the place where I'd really like to get a consistent way of coding items. What I really want is a complete view of the table each time I change it. By this I mean that if I create a table like this:

    studentname VARCHAR( 200),
    status TINYINT

Then I want to be able to add a column like this:

    studentname VARCHAR( 200),
    status TINYINT,

Or alter a column like this:

    studentname VARCHAR( 200),
    status BIT,

Or better yet, have a CREATE OR ALTER for tables.

I know this might be asking for a lot, but I really think that we ought to get a consistent way of coding databases so that we can reduce the mistakes and make our systems easier to understand. I'm sure this may require substantial engineering, not to mention a great deal of understanding of how this would actually affect our systems when run, but it would certainly make our code cleaner.

I doubt we'll see these kinds of changes, at least not until we have an ANSI standard that encompasses them, but I would hope that as an industry we would mature and improve the way we work with databases, not remain bound by tradition and history.


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