TSQL ignoring multiple AND clauses

  • I am running a query that where an input parameter is set to "N" it should ignore rows where column a is "x" and column b is "-99"

    The query I am trying is:

    DECLARE @IncludeUnavailableBookings VARCHAR(1)

    SET @IncludeUnavailableBookings = 'N'




    Table1 A

    LEFT JOIN Table2 B ON B.ID = A.ID



    (@IncludeUnavailableBookings = 'Y') OR

    (@IncludeUnavailableBookings = 'N' AND (A.Col1 <> 'X' AND A.Col2<> '-99'))


    However this excludes all rows where EITHER Col1 = 'X' OR A.Col2= '-99'

    What I want to do is only exclude rows where both conditions are met. I can get around this by concatenating the two columns as follows:



    (@IncludeUnavailableBookings = 'Y') OR

    (@IncludeUnavailableBookings = 'N' AND A.Col1+CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),A.Col2) <> 'X-99'))

    However can anyone tell me why the first query is not working the same way please?

  • if you put OR in place of AND (Col1 <> 'X' or Col2<> '-99'), you will get same result from both the Sql

    create table #temp (id int,col1 varchar(30),col2 varchar(30))

    insert into #temp(id,col1,col2)

    select 1,'A','-99'

    union all

    select 2,'B','10'

    union all

    select 3,'X','-99'

    union all

    select 4,'Z','-99'

    union all

    select 5,'X','-99'

    DECLARE @IncludeUnavailableBookings VARCHAR(1)

    SET @IncludeUnavailableBookings = 'N'

    select * from #temp where @IncludeUnavailableBookings = 'N' AND (Col1 <> 'X' or Col2<> '-99')

    select * from #temp where @IncludeUnavailableBookings = 'N' AND (Col1+CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),Col2) <> 'X-99')

  • negative logic: ( a & b) <=> (!a | !b)

    you want to select

    WHERE a OR (b AND NOT (c AND d))

    which would be equiv. to

    WHERE a OR (b AND (NOT c OR NOT d))

    so either:

    (@IncludeUnavailableBookings = 'Y') OR

    (@IncludeUnavailableBookings = 'N' AND NOT (A.Col1 = 'X' AND A.Col2 = '-99'))


    (@IncludeUnavailableBookings = 'Y') OR

    (@IncludeUnavailableBookings = 'N' AND (A.Col1 <> 'X' OR A.Col2 <> '-99'))

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