Urgent: Reporting services migration - subscription jobs did not get created

  • We are moving to a new data center. So, We created a new virtual appweb server and new database server at new DC. I did a fresh install of new reporting services on appweb server. I backed up and restored Reportserver and reportservertempdb dbs from old sql server to new database server.

    During configuration, I pointed out to the restored databases and restored encryption keys from old reporting server. When launched reporting services URL, it works fine.

    I stopped and restarted reporting services after installation.

    However, I am not seeing any single job created on sql server. Old server had 20 jobs.

    How do I get these subscriptions back to teh new install? I thought this should be created with migration and I did not have to do anything.

    One odd thing I had to do during config was that:

    In scale-out deployment tab in RS configuration, it was showing both the new and old appweb server name as status joined. I was unable to remove the old server name by clicking 'remove server' there. So, I deleted old server name from keys table in Reportsserver as suggested by some forums to have a clean installation. Does it have anything to do with jobs not created?

    What do I need to do now?

    We are under severe time crunch. I apprecite your help.


  • did you back up and restore MSDB from your old server to the new one? that's where the jobs are stored.

  • I always thought subscriptions will be created with migration - I mean backup and restore of reportserver and reportservertempdb. I did not come across the step to restore msdb. Is this part of reporting server migrations? I mean for normal migrations, yes we do restore msdb or create jobs separately by scripting.

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