• Jonathan Kehayias (9/24/2010)

    Mad Myche (9/24/2010)

    I don't get to play with all of the latest sql/os combinations yet (currently 2000 on 2003 server), but could scripting be created to integrate with CLR or Powershell to do the alterDB and the filemovements within a home rolled SProc?

    Anything is possible, but why would you want to? If you used Powershell, just use it from Powershell, why would you want it to be in a stored procedure?

    As I said, at this time I only get to read about new features, dont get to play them yet. More importantly, this does show the techniques could be integrated to the point that you dont need to go from Sql Management to the OS and then back to Sql to alterDB file location

    Director of Transmogrification Services