• Why would charity be totally unpaid for, isn't that unrealistic?

    I can accept it will be a bare minimum if its true charity and not one of those big aid organisations with millions of expenses alone. But even a smaller organisation should offer some form of pay to cover your expenses. When getting some form of pay it means you are in it for real, no excusses.

    And when you do not get paid, you got to shuttle between income and charity and thats where your pain turned out to be in the end. You cannot be expected to both jobs at the same time and with total dedication. After all, you need to have income to feed yourself as well, and that takes priority.

    So in my view, charity should offer some cost covering pay or else they forfeit any rights on reliability. I personally would be royaly pissed with the people that fired you. Why did they not offer a solution to your prediciment? nf fact, even commercial organisations that do pay are more flexible is my experience.

    The last thing you should do, is beat yourself up over it...its no sin to have to eat and work for it!