• SQLBill (8/20/2010)


    Good article, well written. However, as brought up it does give an appearance (notice I said appearance) of a conflict of interest.

    You highlight a RedGate product and guess what - Red Gate owns SQLServerCentral.com.

    While most members are aware of this, not everyone may know that RedGate bought this site. It's not really highlighted anywhere.

    I suggest doing like other media outlets do...include a disclaimer that RedGate owns this site when you write an article (pro or con) about one of their products.

    Just my 2 cents.


    Here's the thing, this is not a media outlet. No claims of impartiality are made.

    And personally, Im willing to sit through the occasional shameless plug for the information and discussions that are fostered by this site. They gotta pay the bills, and Id much rather have that be through a little optional product pushing than through subscriptions.