• rjv_rnjn (8/13/2010)

    cengland0 (8/13/2010)

    Although I did get the answer right, I had to pick the closest response to the correct answer.

    Technically, it was version 6.50.339 that fixed the Y2K issue. Then, Service Pack 5 came out (version 6.50.415) which was defective and you shouldn't have used it. Then, Service Pack 5a (version 6.50.416) released.

    So, you could have fixed the Y2K problem before the release of SP5a if you installed the "Y2K" hot fix to the 6.50.281 (SP4) or 6.50.297 versions.


    Do we have a quorum in the forum to recommend awarding @cengland0 an extra point? 😀

    That depends on whether he remembered it or if he researched it. If he researched it, then he definitely gets an extra point. If he merely remembered it, then all he gets are the points we will be removing from all who thought this QotD was POINTless.

    Tom Garth
    Vertical Solutions[/url]

    "There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves." -- Will Rogers