• Gav B (6/9/2010)


    Points noted. (Indexes haven't been my job / of my concern yet)

    Did you try my edit out?

    If so what did you think / can you think of any further improvements?

    - Gav

    Pretty good...a couple things. The final order by Top1Date is invalid, as that isn't part of the derived table (i'm guessing a change to order by latestdate). The second, and one I missed in my script as well, was schema's besides dbo.

    But the output is much more user friendly. Thanks Gav.

    Here's your revised code:

    /* SCRIPT TITLE: Find all the Latest Dates in a SQL database.

    SCRPIT CREATOR: Gaby Abed (Originally) titled "A quick way to find recently entered datetime entries in tables"

    which can be found online here: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/scripts/T-SQL/70201/

    SCRPIT MODIFIED: Gavin Broughton on 08/06/2010

    MODIFICATIONS: 1) Added the whole concept of a Derived table with the 3 dynamic "fact" columns: [TableName], [DateColumnName] & [Top1Date]

    2) Formatting improvements for easier readability in query windows (i.e. each query is not just 1 line)

    3) Limited the output to 256 tables because you can't run the query with more than 256 tables.

    - This can of course be changed if you need to output all the SQL.

    4) Included Qry No.'s as a comment to each query.

    KNOWN ISSUES: 1) The script can not be run directly, the print output needs to be copy & pasted into a new query window to be run.

    2) You need to delete the very last "union all" statement for the query to work.

    - This script does not dynamically get rid of this for you at @ 08/06/2010.



    CREATE TABLE #FindLatestDates (rownum int identity(1,1), command varchar(8000))

    INSERT INTO #FindLatestDates(command)

    SELECT ' - Latest [' + sc.name + '] date in the [' + in_s.table_schema + '].[' + so.name + '] table.

    '+'select top 1 ''[' + in_s.table_schema + '].[' + so.name + ']'' [TableName]

    ,''' + sc.name + ''' [DateColumnName]

    ,[' + sc.name + '] [LatestDate]

    from [' + in_s.table_schema + '].['+ so.name + '] (nolock)

    order by [' + sc.name + '] desc

    union all'

    FROM syscolumns sc

    inner join sysobjects so on so.id = sc.id

    inner join INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES in_s on in_s.table_name = so.name

    WHERE so.type = 'U' and sc.xtype = 61

    DECLARE @dtcolumns varchar(8000),

    @query varchar(8000),

    @dtend varchar(8000),

    @ctr int,

    @numrows int

    set @dtcolumns = 'SELECT dt.[TableName], dt.[DateColumnName], dt.[LatestDate]

    FROM ('

    set @dtend = ') dt -- Derived table ** NOTE ** Delete the Union All statement just before this note before running!

    ORDER BY dt.[LatestDate] DESC, dt.[TableName] ASC, dt.[DateColumnName] ASC'

    select @numrows = count(*) from #FindLatestDates

    set @ctr = 1

    print (@dtcolumns) -- print the derived table columns at the start of the query.

    while (@ctr <= @numrows)

    -- NOTE: The max number of tables you can query in this way is 256 in SQL2000/2005 so this must be limited. (untested on SQL2008)

    and @ctr <= 256


    select top 1 @query = command from #FindLatestDates

    where rownum = @ctr --Edit by Gaby Abed on 08/06/2010

    print '-- Qry No.' + cast(@ctr as varchar(4)) + (@query) -- Print the dynamic script to COPY & PASTE TO A NEW QUERY window.

    set @ctr = @ctr + 1


    print (@dtend)


    --select * from #FindLatestDates order by rownum

    drop table #FindLatestDates

    Gaby________________________________________________________________"In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not." - Albert Einstein